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المؤشر التنظيمي0.00

مؤشر الأعمال7.03

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فهرس البرامج4.00

فهرس الترخيص0.00

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هذه المنصة هي مخطط بونزي. يرجى الابتعاد! 4
الفحص السابق : 2025-01-05
  • تم التحقق من أن قاعدة الوسيط هذه غير قانونية وانتهت جميع تراخيصها ، وتم إدراجها في قائمة WikiFX وسطاء الاحتيال ؛ من فضلك كن على علم بالمخاطر!
  • النظام الأساسي هو مخطط بونزي ، والذي يشير إلى استخدام "مبدأ مضاعفة القيمة". في شكل تداول أموال متداول أو ثابت ، فإنه يستخدم أموال العضو التالي للدفع للعضو الحالي ، وهو في الأساس مخطط هرمي مع التمييز بين الخفي والخداع والضار اجتماعيا. من خلال استدعاء رغبة الشخص العادي في الحصول على المال ، يبدأ المحتالون في المنصة في جمع الأموال تحت الأرض. نظرًا لأن هذا النوع من المنصات سيتلاشى في الغالب بعد عام أو عامين ، يمكن أن يكون وضع جمع الأموال أقل من 3 سنوات.

تحقق WikiFX

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تقديم تعليق

أكثر من سنة
I had an unfortunate experience with DNA Markets. Despite their prior disclosure about having the final interpretation rights over contracts, I was disappointed to find out that they made changes to the contract without my consent. Unfortunately, this alteration resulted in the inability to withdraw my initial investment. It's crucial for traders to be aware of the potential risks associated with this platform, as the terms may not necessarily align with the initial agreement.
I had an unfortunate experience with DNA Markets. Despite their prior disclosure about having the final interpretation rights over contracts, I was disappointed to find out that they made changes to the contract without my consent. Unfortunately, this alteration resulted in the inability to withdraw my initial investment. It's crucial for traders to be aware of the potential risks associated with this platform, as the terms may not necessarily align with the initial agreement.
ترجمة الى اللغة العربية
2024-01-19 12:24
أكثر من سنة
My time with FinUK has been quite a letdown. The promised profits are nowhere in sight, and getting my initial investment back feels like a never-ending struggle. They've also been tweaking our agreements without bothering to ask for my say, making the whole situation even more aggravating. If you're thinking about diving into forex with FinUK, my advice would be to tread carefully – it's been a bumpy ride for me.
My time with FinUK has been quite a letdown. The promised profits are nowhere in sight, and getting my initial investment back feels like a never-ending struggle. They've also been tweaking our agreements without bothering to ask for my say, making the whole situation even more aggravating. If you're thinking about diving into forex with FinUK, my advice would be to tread carefully – it's been a bumpy ride for me.
ترجمة الى اللغة العربية
2023-12-28 19:03