Engaging with WTM was a rollercoaster. Initially, they seemed accessible on WhatsApp, later shifting to Telegram. The first investments went smoothly, accompanied by promised commissions. However, as the stakes increased, so did their demands for additional funds, citing unfinished "homework" and the elusive return of my money with commissions. Sadly, this never materialized, and they persisted in requesting more, reaching around $1,500 USD. Retrieving my invested capital is now my primary concern.
Engaging with WTM was a rollercoaster. Initially, they seemed accessible on WhatsApp, later shifting to Telegram. The first investments went smoothly, accompanied by promised commissions. However, as the stakes increased, so did their demands for additional funds, citing unfinished "homework" and the elusive return of my money with commissions. Sadly, this never materialized, and they persisted in requesting more, reaching around $1,500 USD. Retrieving my invested capital is now my primary concern.
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تعليقات الاسبوع
Giraffe Markets
Envi FX
IronWave Capital
Roco Broker
IVY Markets