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الترخيص التنظيمي المشبوه

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المؤشر التنظيمي0.00

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لا قيود على حساب الوسيط. خدمة الدعم المقدمة من WikiFX

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تحذير: درجة منخفضة ، يرجى الابتعاد! 5
الفحص السابق : 2024-10-18
  • لقد تم التحقق من أن هذا الوسيط ليس لديه حاليًا أي تنظيم ساري المفعول ، يرجى الانتباه إلى المخاطر!
  • المملكة المتحدة FCA التنظيمي (رقم الترخيص: 595195) الذي يطالب به هذا الوسيط هو استنساخ مريب ، يرجى الانتباه إلى المخاطر!

تحقق WikiFX

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تقديم تعليق

أكثر من سنة
This investment company are 100% scam. I invested $750,500 worth bitcoin with the investment company I trusted a girl name Jessica from Hawaii she told me to start with a minimum of $300 then $500 the next. Next thing you know she said my account got suspended and needed to upgrade i sent to the company $2000 & I was thinking that my funds will be In my account within 45 minutes. I haven’t received my return, i released i have been scam by the company, but i was able to get back my fund through
This investment company are 100% scam. I invested $750,500 worth bitcoin with the investment company I trusted a girl name Jessica from Hawaii she told me to start with a minimum of $300 then $500 the next. Next thing you know she said my account got suspended and needed to upgrade i sent to the company $2000 & I was thinking that my funds will be In my account within 45 minutes. I haven’t received my return, i released i have been scam by the company, but i was able to get back my fund through
ترجمة الى اللغة العربية
2022-12-03 17:54