
1.47 /10

Super EZ Forex

الولايات المتحدة

2-5 سنوات

الترخيص التنظيمي المشبوه

نطاق العمل المشبوه

مخاطر عالية محتملة


إضافة وسطاء


الكمية 1


آلة الزمن
موقع الويب


المؤشر التنظيمي0.00

مؤشر الأعمال6.70

مؤشر إدارة المخاطر0.00

فهرس البرامج4.00

فهرس الترخيص0.00

آلة الزمن
موقع الويب


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اسم الشركة

Super EZ Forex

اختصار الشركة

Super EZ Forex

البلد والمنطقة المسجلة على المنصة

الولايات المتحدة

موقع الشركة


مقدمة عن الشركة

شكوى مخطط الهرم

الإبلاغ عن

تأكد إذا كنت تحتاج

تحميل التطبيق لمعلومات أشمل

تحذير: درجة منخفضة ، يرجى الابتعاد! 2
الفحص السابق : 2025-03-11
  • لقد تم التحقق من أن هذا الوسيط ليس لديه حاليًا أي تنظيم ساري المفعول ، يرجى الانتباه إلى المخاطر!
  • تظهر المعلومات الحالية أن هذا الوسيط ليس لديه برنامج تداول. يرجى أن يكون على علم!

تحقق WikiFX

شكوى مخطط الهرم
الإبلاغ عن
Super EZ Forex · مقدمة عن الشركة

معلومات عامة

Super EZ Forexهو نظام آلي لتداول العملات الأجنبية يستخدم خوارزمية تداول بسيطة لتعظيم العوائد والحد من الخسائر. بسعر 323.67 دولارًا (299 دولارًا و 8.25٪ ضرائب) ، يوفر هذا النظام مفتاحي ترخيص لحسابين مختلفين للوسيط ، وهو متوافق مع العديد من أنماط التداول بما في ذلك التداول المتأرجح ، وتداول المراكز ، والتداول اليومي.

المنتج والميزة

Super EZ Forexيوفر للعملاء منتجًا بسيطًا ، وهو مؤشر تداول حصري يبسط طريقة تداول المستخدمين. Super EZ Forex يتبع خوارزمية بسيطة لمطابقة الألوان تعمل في أي إطار زمني وتكون قادرة على التداول في أي زوج عملات. يتم إرسال تنبيهات منتظمة للمستخدمين عبر البريد الإلكتروني والجوال.

أدوات السوق

Super EZ Forexيقدم للمستثمرين مجموعة من الأدوات المالية بما في ذلك أزواج العملات الأجنبية والأسهم والمؤشرات والمعادن والعملات المشفرة.

منصة تداول متاحة

Super EZ Forexيوفر للعملاء إمكانية الوصول إلى الأسواق المالية في العالم من خلال منصة ميتاتريدر 4 (mt4) التي يستخدمها ملايين المتداولين حول العالم.

دعم العملاء

إذا كان لدى العملاء أي أسئلة أو مخاوف ، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى superezforex@gmail.com للتشاور.

مراجعات المستخدم


تعليق المستخدم




تقديم تعليق

Never had a hard time contacting them, but they don't keep their word. Their CC system has issues. Puts out bad signals, doesn't close trades, they don't update info so you could be in a trade that already closed and you're now at a loss. They post their losses and wins, but it doesn't remotely come close to what people who signed up are seeing. My account was down 50%. I didn't even blame them. I asked them to not renew my lic. They just closed my account and didn't tell me. Then when I contacted them, they didn't even tell me it was closed. and had me share my issues. I was down 50% on their trades. They offered to refund last month to help out. Then a few hours later they charged my account again. and turned around and refunded the charge they weren't suppose to take. When I complained they tried to claim we did what we said we would do.......Total BS. Then they claimed that they use an outside process server and there is nothing they can do. After all of this they blamed the customer for all of the issues. and its all our fault.......Total BS.
Never had a hard time contacting them, but they don't keep their word. Their CC system has issues. Puts out bad signals, doesn't close trades, they don't update info so you could be in a trade that already closed and you're now at a loss. They post their losses and wins, but it doesn't remotely come close to what people who signed up are seeing. My account was down 50%. I didn't even blame them. I asked them to not renew my lic. They just closed my account and didn't tell me. Then when I contacted them, they didn't even tell me it was closed. and had me share my issues. I was down 50% on their trades. They offered to refund last month to help out. Then a few hours later they charged my account again. and turned around and refunded the charge they weren't suppose to take. When I complained they tried to claim we did what we said we would do.......Total BS. Then they claimed that they use an outside process server and there is nothing they can do. After all of this they blamed the customer for all of the issues. and its all our fault.......Total BS.
ترجمة الى اللغة العربية
2024-04-17 08:40
أكثر من سنة
I'm really annoyed that the company Super EZ Forex claims to provide trading signals, but after I tried it, I found that their trading signals are not reliable at all! Think about it, if there are really great trading signals, these staff will directly do foreign exchange trading and FIRE, is there still a need to operate a company here?
I'm really annoyed that the company Super EZ Forex claims to provide trading signals, but after I tried it, I found that their trading signals are not reliable at all! Think about it, if there are really great trading signals, these staff will directly do foreign exchange trading and FIRE, is there still a need to operate a company here?
ترجمة الى اللغة العربية
2023-03-16 16:28