
2021-02-05 18:32

إرسال إلى الهاتف
جذب الاستثمارات في العملinvest with MBG and have a peace of mind when trading

التداول التلقائي: مدعوم

عمولة الفوركس: مدعوم

تكاليف إعادة العمولة: مدعوم

دورة إعادة العمولة: غلق المركز

تفاصيل المنتج:
Reason why you should work with MBG markets, an international broker:

1. we are heavily regulated, so your fund will always be safe with us.
2. we have 25 offices around the globe, so we have experiences working overseas market and have dedicated a team specialising each market line, so your issues will be solved ASAP.
3. we have closer relationship with the LP, so the spread will be lower than what your local broker will provide you, and our rebate scheme will take your earnings to the next level.
4. we provide copy trading services if you wish too, and minimise your risks as a newbie.

stop wasting time, get in touch with me and lets start earning today
ألبوم السوق
MBG Markets迪拜总部--Una
فئة المنتدى





استيراتيجية التداول التلقائي




invest with MBG and have a peace of mind when trading
سنغافورة | 2021-02-05 18:32

التداول التلقائي:


عمولة الفوركس:


تكاليف إعادة العمولة:


دورة إعادة العمولة:

غلق المركز

تفاصيل المنتج:

Reason why you should work with MBG markets, an international broker:

1. we are heavily regulated, so your fund will always be safe with us.
2. we have 25 offices around the globe, so we have experiences working overseas market and have dedicated a team specialising each market line, so your issues will be solved ASAP.
3. we have closer relationship with the LP, so the spread will be lower than what your local broker will provide you, and our rebate scheme will take your earnings to the next level.
4. we provide copy trading services if you wish too, and minimise your risks as a newbie.

stop wasting time, get in touch with me and lets start earning today