الملخص:ANISFX is a brand of ANISTRADING LLC– a company allegedly incorporated in Sant Vincent and the Grenadines as an International Business Company (IBC).
General Information & Regulation
Anis FX is a brand of ANISTRADING LLC– a company incorporated in Sant Vincent and the Grenadines as an International Business Company (IBC).
Markets Instruments
Tradable financial instrument available on the Anis FX platform include forex currency pairs, stocks, indices, commodities as well as crypto currencies.
Minimum Deposit
ANISFX has no minimum requirements for deposits, which sounds a good news.
ANISFX claims to offer up to 1:500 leverage, which is a risky ratio that may inflict severe losses on traders if not carefully used.
Spreads & Commissions
In terms of spreads and commissions, ANISFX does not make this part clear.
Inactivity Fees
As for fees, there is nothing explicitly specified except for the annual dormancy fee of $25 that incurs after a year of inactivity– provisions pretty much in line with the industry standards
Trading Platform Available
When it comes to trading platform available, ANISFX offers the industry-recognized MT5 trading platform, which sounds good news.
Deposit& Withdrawal
ANISFX has no minimum requirements for deposits and withdrawals. As for funding, the only methods accepted are 9PAY and Cryptos, both of which are final and non-refundable, meaning that clients wont be able to chargeback if things go wrong.
حقق سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق، الأربعاء 14 فبراير، انخفاض نسبي في مستهل جلسات التداول، تزامناً مع تراجع سعر الذهب في البورصة العالمية، حيث سجلت العقود الآجلة عند مستوى 1,992.74 دولار للأوقية، ومن خلال السطور التالية سنتعرف على متوسط سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق لجميع أعيرة الذهب بالدينار العراقي (IQD).
متوسط اسعار الذهب اليوم بأسواق المال في العراق بالدينار العراقي
سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق
ننشر أسعار الذهب مستهل تعاملات اليوم الخميس 23 نوفمبر 2023، حيث سجل جرام الذهب عيار 21 وهو العيار الرئيسي لسوق الذهب في مصر 2725 جنيها، مقابل 2800 جنيها للجرام