الملخص:Pangea FX is a Forex and Treasury consulting corporation owned by The Currency Cloud Limited and registered and located at Floor 7, 45 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AE, United Kingdom. Also, Pangea FX is an emerging privately-owned company with in-depth knowledge combined with investment awareness, making it the portfolio management of choice for clients overall in the world.
General Information& Regulation
Pangea FX is a Forex and Treasury consulting corporation owned by The Currency Cloud Limited and registered and located at Floor 7, 45 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AE, United Kingdom. Also, Pangea FX is an emerging privately-owned company with in-depth knowledge combined with investment awareness, making it the portfolio management of choice for clients overall in the world.
Market Instruments
Pangea FX offers an array of Marketing and portfolio management including Spot Transactions, Market Orders, Forward Contracts, Hedging Solutions, Collection Accounts, and Client Management.
Pangea FX has set up 2 classic accounts types for clients including Private Account, as well as Corporate Account. However, there is not any relevant detailed information about the account, besides, if clients would like to open an account, clients could e-mail or call the support team to be guided on how to operate.
Trading Platform
Pangea FX provides clients with an online platform that possesses a plethora of experts, and advanced tools and features.
Customer Support
The support team is always at your assistance with the best possible solutions to the queries. Please call at +4402039031860 or e-mail at
Risk Warning
A high level of risk is involved in investment products. Establishing your Investment targets understanding of risk and trading experience is key to maintaining a good trading experience. Losing more than your initial investment is highly possible, so do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.
حقق سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق، الأربعاء 14 فبراير، انخفاض نسبي في مستهل جلسات التداول، تزامناً مع تراجع سعر الذهب في البورصة العالمية، حيث سجلت العقود الآجلة عند مستوى 1,992.74 دولار للأوقية، ومن خلال السطور التالية سنتعرف على متوسط سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق لجميع أعيرة الذهب بالدينار العراقي (IQD).
متوسط اسعار الذهب اليوم بأسواق المال في العراق بالدينار العراقي
سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق
ننشر أسعار الذهب مستهل تعاملات اليوم الخميس 23 نوفمبر 2023، حيث سجل جرام الذهب عيار 21 وهو العيار الرئيسي لسوق الذهب في مصر 2725 جنيها، مقابل 2800 جنيها للجرام