الملخص:It has been verified that SCS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC is a suspicious clone. The licensed company it impersonates is a company that operates investment and wealth management in the United States. The Company manages alternative investment funds including hedge funds, buyout funds, real assets funds, real estate funds, and private debt funds.
General Information
It has been verified that SCS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC is a suspicious clone. The licensed company it impersonates is a company that operates investment and wealth management in the United States. The Company manages alternative investment fund including hedge funds, buyout funds, real assets funds, real estate funds, and private debt funds.
Official Website Unavailable
As of now, the website of SCS Financial (Clone) is not available. We can't even find any information about the broker online.
What are clone brokers?
As it turns out, clone brokers are on the rise these days, with fraudulent companies setting up shop by using names of reputable companies to trick clients into thinking that theyre trading with a regulated Forex firm. They even use the license number of regulated brokers to fool traders into opening accounts with them! And identity theft is a typical fraudulent method for “cloned companies”: the fraudster uses information about an actual authorized company, such as company registration number (CRN), address, email, etc., to gain credibility and even legitimacy in order to convince and solicit investors.
Final Warning
The website is not available and there is no contact information. We assume that the trader SCS Financial (Clone) might be closed or run away. Please be aware of the risk!
حقق سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق، الأربعاء 14 فبراير، انخفاض نسبي في مستهل جلسات التداول، تزامناً مع تراجع سعر الذهب في البورصة العالمية، حيث سجلت العقود الآجلة عند مستوى 1,992.74 دولار للأوقية، ومن خلال السطور التالية سنتعرف على متوسط سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق لجميع أعيرة الذهب بالدينار العراقي (IQD).
متوسط اسعار الذهب اليوم بأسواق المال في العراق بالدينار العراقي
سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق
ننشر أسعار الذهب مستهل تعاملات اليوم الخميس 23 نوفمبر 2023، حيث سجل جرام الذهب عيار 21 وهو العيار الرئيسي لسوق الذهب في مصر 2725 جنيها، مقابل 2800 جنيها للجرام