الملخص:Established in 2018, Investex is an offshore forex and CFD broker, owned and operated by Investex Ltd. Since the Investex’s website cannot be opened for the moment, we could only gather minimal information, and its available financial markets, spreads & commissions, leverage and trading platform are not disclosed to all.
Unavailable Official Website
Since the official website of investex is currently inaccessible, we were only able to piece together a general picture of this company as a forex broker by gathering pertinent information from other websites
General Information
Established in 2018, Investex is an offshore forex and CFD broker, owned and operated by Investex Ltd. Since the Investexs website cannot be opened for the moment, we could only gather minimal information, and its available financial markets, spreads & commissions, leverage and trading platform are not disclosed to all.
How do scams work?
Online trading scams are sometimes perpetrated by first displaying successful deals that give investors a false sense of confidence and encourage them to believe that 'easy money' exists. Investors will be encouraged to invest more money to get better returns once they have a sense of security. In addition, the investor may receive additional rewards for referring their friends and family to the platform.
Contact Info
Investex can be reached through two contact channels: telephone at: +16465830545 and email: support@investex.com.
حقق سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق، الأربعاء 14 فبراير، انخفاض نسبي في مستهل جلسات التداول، تزامناً مع تراجع سعر الذهب في البورصة العالمية، حيث سجلت العقود الآجلة عند مستوى 1,992.74 دولار للأوقية، ومن خلال السطور التالية سنتعرف على متوسط سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق لجميع أعيرة الذهب بالدينار العراقي (IQD).
متوسط اسعار الذهب اليوم بأسواق المال في العراق بالدينار العراقي
سعر الذهب اليوم في العراق
ننشر أسعار الذهب مستهل تعاملات اليوم الخميس 23 نوفمبر 2023، حيث سجل جرام الذهب عيار 21 وهو العيار الرئيسي لسوق الذهب في مصر 2725 جنيها، مقابل 2800 جنيها للجرام