2023-12-26 15:48
Vietnam Vietnam
Vorsätzlicher schwerwiegender Preisverfall
Exness Exness

Ernsthafter Schlupf







2024-01-11 20:09
Vietnam Vietnam
2024-01-10 08:17
Vietnam Vietnam

Ergänzende Materialien

They just replied me like this and I received a lot of similar emails. and waited a very long time

2024-01-10 08:12
Vietnam Vietnam

Ergänzende Materialien

I sent very detailed information about my account to the 24h support team. And send an email to support@exness.com Not supported at all. Just told me to wait and got no other answer. The problem is that the broker's price slippage blew up my account and I want compensation. Vietnam's support team works irresponsibly. They just answer to get over it. At the same time but each exchange has a different price, I have full evidence

2024-01-10 08:03
Vietnam Vietnam

Ergänzende Materialien

Tôi đã gửi thông tin rất chi tiết về tài khoản của tôi cho nhóm hỗ trợ 24h . Và email đến support@exness.com Đều không được hỗ trợ . Chỉ nói tôi đợi và không thấy câu trả lời nào khác . Vấn đề là sàn làm giá cháy tài khoản của tôi và tôi muốn được đền bù số tiền tôi bị cháy .

2024-01-09 16:10


Dear customer, with respect to your problem, you can send the detailed information to the platform 24-hour customer service, or send an email to the official customer service at support@exness.com (ensure correct email address) with your registered email at our platform. If you contacted us before, please still reply by email or reach out to the 24-hour online customer service for help. Thank you.

2023-12-26 18:12
Vietnam Vietnam

Ergänzende Materialien

tôi muốn được đền bù khoản thiệt hại do sàn gian lận

2023-12-27 12:43
HongKong, China HongKong, China

Wenden Sie sich an den Broker

2023-12-27 11:24
HongKong, China HongKong, China


2023-12-26 15:48
Vietnam Vietnam

Mediation starten

Ein absichtlicher Preisverfall ist zu schwerwiegend und führt dazu, dass Anleger ihre Konten vernichten. obwohl andere Börsen sehr geringe Schwankungen aufweisen. Aber Exness Der Preis ist wie verrückt gesunken :)) Wie kann ich mein Geld zurückbekommen? Vergleichsbilder der beiden Börsen.


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