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New Finance LLC

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Vereinigtes Königreich







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Letzte Erkennung : 2025-03-06
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NEWFX · Unternehmensprofil

Allgemeine Informationen

NEWFX ist angeblich ein globaler STP/ECN-Forex-Broker mit Sitz in Dominic, der seinen Kunden die branchenübliche Handelsplattform Meattrader4, einen Hebel von bis zu 1:100, feste oder variable Spreads und keine Provision für über 250 handelbare Finanzinstrumente sowie a bietet Auswahl aus sieben verschiedenen Live-Kontotypen.


NEWFX gibt bekannt, dass das Unternehmen mehr als 250 Handelsinstrumente in fünf Anlageklassen auf den Finanzmärkten anbietet, darunter CFDs auf Devisen, Indizes, Rohstoffe, Aktien und Kryptowährungen.


NEWFX bietet sieben Live-Handelskonten an: Basic, Discovery, Silver, Gold, Premium, VIP und VIP+. Für die Eröffnung eines Basiskontos ist ein Mindesteinzahlungsbetrag von 200 US-Dollar erforderlich, während für die anderen sechs Kontotypen ein viel höheres Mindestanfangskapital von 2.000 US-Dollar, 5.000 US-Dollar, 10.000 US-Dollar, 15.000 US-Dollar, 30.000 US-Dollar bzw. 50.000 US-Dollar erforderlich ist.


die maximale Verschuldungsquote, die von bereitgestellt wird NEWFX beträgt bis zu 1:100. Bedenken Sie, dass der Hebel sowohl Gewinne als auch Verluste vergrößern kann. Unerfahrenen Händlern wird daher nicht empfohlen, einen zu hohen Hebel einzusetzen.

Spreads und Provisionen

Verschiedene Händler können von ganz unterschiedlichen Spreads profitieren. Außerdem werden die Spreads davon beeinflusst, welche Anlageklassen Händler halten. NEWFX zeigt, dass der Standard-Spread für Devisen 1:50 beträgt, für Rohstoffe oder Indizes 4 %, für Aktien 10 % und für Kryptowährungen 100 %. Allerdings sind die Spreads, die Anfänger oder Profis erleben können, unterschiedlich. Insbesondere beträgt der Spread für Devisen, Rohstoffe, Indizes, Aktien und Kryptowährung 1:100, 2 %, 2 %, 5 % bzw. 50 % für Anfänger, während Fortgeschrittene 1:200, 1 %, 1 % genießen können. 2,5 % und 20 % getrennt. Für alle fallen keine Provisionen an.

Handelsplattform verfügbar

wenn es um die verfügbaren Handelsplattformen geht, NEWFX bietet Händlern Web-Trader, mobilen Trader und Metatrader4. mt4 ist die bekannteste und am weitesten verbreitete Handelsplattform der Welt und bietet 9 verschiedene Zeitrahmen, technische Indikatoren, One-Click-Handel, automatisierte Eas und mehr. Mit Mobile Trader hingegen kann der Handel von überall und jederzeit über die richtigen Mobilterminals, einschließlich Android und iOS, erfolgen.


Ein- und Auszahlung

NEWFX akzeptiert Einzahlungen über Kreditkarten wie Visa und Mastercard, Banküberweisungen und die Kryptowährung Bitcoin. Die Mindesteinzahlungsanforderung für Kreditkarten beträgt 200 €, während der maximale Einzahlungsbetrag per Kreditkarte 50.000 € für jeden Kalendermonat beträgt. und der Höchstbetrag pro Einzahlung oder Transaktion beträgt 5.000 $/€. Der Broker gibt an, dass er bei Kreditkartenabhebungen keine Gebühren erhebt, allerdings fällt bei allen Banküberweisungsanfragen eine geringe Gebühr an. Was die Bearbeitungszeit von Ein- und Auszahlungsanfragen betrifft, können Einzahlungen per Kreditkarte in Echtzeit oder innerhalb eines Arbeitstages bearbeitet werden; Bei Abhebungen mit Kreditkarten kann es bis zu einem Abrechnungszyklus dauern, bis der Betrag auf der Kreditkarte gutgeschrieben wird. Ein- oder Auszahlungen per Banküberweisung dauern in der Regel 1–2 Tage (Inland) und 3–5 Werktage (Ausland).


NEWFX wird einige Rollover-Gebühren erheben. Genauer gesagt: 0,015 % des Overnight-Engagements für Währungen, Rohstoffe, Indizes, Aktien und ETFs, während 0,05 % für Kryptowährungen gelten, unabhängig davon, ob es sich um Privatkunden oder professionelle Kunden handelt.


Der Kundensupport von NEWFX ist telefonisch unter +44 77 2387 6639, per E-Mail unter, oder per Live-Chat erreichbar. Darüber hinaus können Sie diesem Broker auch auf einigen Social-Media-Plattformen wie Facebook, Twitter und YouTube folgen. Büro im Vereinigten Königreich: 33 Cavendish Square, Marylebone, London W1G 0PW, Vereinigtes Königreich; Büro in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten: Trade CentreTrade Centre 2 – Dubai – Vereinigte Arabische Emirate; US-Büro: 1000 NW Street, Mid-Town Brandy Wine, Ste 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801 Delaware, Vereinigte Staaten.






Kommentar abgeben

Mehr als ein Jahr NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
in vereinfachtes Chinesisch übersetzen
2024-01-18 16:03
Mehr als ein Jahr NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
in vereinfachtes Chinesisch übersetzen
2023-09-19 21:30