I bought 100 shares of NVIDIA on June 26 with a spread of 1pip. On the night of June 27, Amto floor automatically expanded by 4,000 pips due to the large number of investors buying. After that, I emailed the exchange and received notification that on June 28, all transactions would return to normal. but not. School is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Monday morning, July 1, 2024, the floor adjusted itself from 4000pip to 8000pip and made me burn $2k. Investors participating in amto trading should be careful to avoid risks like me.

The floor automatically expands the spread from 1 pip to 4000 pips
I bought NVIDIA shares on June 26, 2024 with a spread of 1 pip. On the night of June 27, the floor arbitrarily expanded to 4000pip. On July 1, 2024, the floor arbitrarily adjusted the second time to 8000pip, causing my account to lose $2k. Everyone should be careful when investing to avoid losing money like me.