2021-01-12 09:45
The second YuanYouBao
IC Markets Global
Unable to Withdraw

FX2908739477Solved after user's confirmation
2021-02-01 17:12
Hong Kong China
IC Markets GlobalReply
2021-01-25 17:00
We have explained to the user via email

WikiFX Overseas Customer ServiceContact Broker
2021-01-12 13:59
Hong Kong China
Contact Broker

WikiFX Mediation CenterVerified
2021-01-12 11:59
Hong Kong China
FX2908739477Start Mediation
2021-01-12 09:45
Hong Kong China
Start Mediation
Deny my withdrawals cuz I should add money to an accout which is negative balance. My porsitions were wiped out but I was asked to add money. The customer service said I could clear the balance but now I can’t clear it or witdhraw funds

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2. Unauthorized reprints of cases in this platform are prohibited. Offenders will be pursued their legal obligations