2021-03-04 21:25
Stay away from ZFX








2021-03-05 16:56
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2021-03-05 13:54
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Supplemental Materials

I will give you 3 days, If there is no result, I will definitely report your website until it is blocked.

2021-03-05 13:16
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Supplemental Materials

If you want me to report your illegal website, then I will do whatever it takes to report it. I will never give up until I block your website. Please have a consideration.

2021-03-05 13:05
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Supplemental Materials

I just want to know how you will deal with it. There is no need to continue communication if I am continuously informed that your company is legal and you are not liable for any loss. I will expose this on major websites every day according to my way, and I will report your website to the Internet Illegal Reporting Center to block your websites that are spam and harmful, so that our mainland compatriots will not be harmed by you. But my claim is for compensation. You don't care and I don't care much. If you want to be a rascal, then I will play with you slowly. Just do it straightforward. Most of you are Chinese, including Taiwanese, aren't you? Be a little patriotic, will you?

2021-03-05 12:04
United Kingdom


Dear customer, to meet the needs of different types of investors, our company provides three types of accounts (MIN, STP and ECN accounts). Our micro account type can be leveraged up to 2000 times. Since market changes are unpredictable, it is recommended that customers control risks and pay attention to the allocation of positions. Customers can also log in to the MyZFX backend to change the leverage (from 100 to 2000 times). If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the online customer service on the ZFX official website http://zfx.com, or send an email to the customer service mailbox cs@zfx.com. We are happy to help you. Thank you for your support to ZFX!

2021-03-05 11:49
United Kingdom


Dear costumer, sorry for your losses. Our platform provides three different types of accounts, and our micro-account type is 2000 times leverage. Since market changes are unpredictable, it is recommended that customers control risks and pay attention to the allocation of positions. Product customers can change the leverage by themselves. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the online customer service on the ZFX official website http://zfx.com, or send an email to the customer service mailbox cs@zfx.com. We are happy to help you. Thank you for your support to ZFX!

2021-03-04 21:45
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Supplemental Materials

Relative information of ZFX

2021-03-05 11:50
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2021-03-05 09:50
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2021-03-04 21:25
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Start Mediation

On March 26, 2020, I was introduced by netizens to open an account with Shanhai Securities. Shanhai Securities has a maximum leverage of 2,000 times. Every time there is a market situation, you will either liquidate or wear out your position. The account will become negative. Until October, I was taken by Shanhai. The company scammed 10,000 US dollars. The trading account 861708 has several sub-accounts. I have repeatedly negotiated with the platform's online customer service to no avail. I also sent emails. The other party said that our company is a legal and compliant platform. There is also an island country Seychelles. Well, I don’t deal with it, my attitude is arrogant. I also sent an email to the British Financial Supervisory Authority. There is no such company at all. Shanhai Company has not approved by China’s financial supervisory authority to carry out foreign exchange futures margin business that entraps us Chinese, which is an illegal business activity. I have been asking them where the company is, but I dare not tell, what is the fear of regular companies, unless there is a ghost in my heart, Taiwan has their fraud dens, and there are also several domestic sites, such as Shanghai Pudong and Shenzhen. For such black platforms, I will As always, the exposure continued, and a Guangdong Huizhou Shanhai Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established. The legal representative Wu Xintong, a post-90s generation, registered the QQ corporate public account to continue to operate illegal and criminal activities and defraud our people's money.


1. The above content only represent personal view, do not represent WikiFX's position
2. Unauthorized reprints of cases in this platform are prohibited. Offenders will be pursued their legal obligations