Unable to Withdraw

QIANCHENWANGSHI92732Solved after user's confirmation
Please contact your account manager by the official email address at FOREX.com
QIANCHENWANGSHI92732Supplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
Why the broker has been rated with 3A? The customer service told me that the transfer would be finished within 3 working days. Then I was told that the transfer would be done within 5-12 working days after I had waited patiently for almost one week. But now, they just keeps silent. Do you want me to report it to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission?
QIANCHENWANGSHI92732Supplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
The customer service of FOREX.com ignored my message, so why the broker has 9 scores, it doesn't make sense.

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I found the withdrawal delayed from September 29 to October 12.
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