John Favor
2022-01-25 23:51
Burkina Faso
Withdrawal not received
IC Markets Global

John FavorResolved
2022-02-26 15:14
Burkina Faso
IC Markets GlobalReply
2022-01-27 14:57
Please contact the platform customer service again.

WikiFX Overseas Customer ServiceContact Broker
2022-01-26 12:48
Hong Kong China
Contact Broker

WikiFX Mediation CenterVerified
2022-01-26 10:18
Hong Kong China
John FavorStart Mediation
2022-01-25 23:51
Burkina Faso
Start Mediation
Hello and thank you for your support. I made two withdrawals from my trading account at IC Market on 19.03.2021 and 23.03.2021 with a total value of $590, but I never received the money in my bank account. I made several steps with my bank and also with the broke, but it does not success. Please help me please. Attached is a screenshot of my trading account withdrawal history as well as my bank account history used for the withdrawal.

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