Unable to Withdraw

Dear customer, please send the ins and outs of your account and order to the official customer service at, we'll check and reply it. Thank you.
NIANSANSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
I recived the emails from the platform when opening an account. Given the platform's strength, I chose it. But now my withdrawal application is rejected, so speechless.

NIANSANSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
They send me an email that my withdrawal application was not approved. They rejected my application first and then suspended my account directly. So I can't log in the trading website.

NIANSANSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
This is the transfor information of deposit.

NIANSANSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
I contact the cusotmer service after failing to log in. They said I didn't register an email and then told me to contact the account manager.

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The profit on TMGM platform cannot be withdrawn and the client manager cannot be contacted. The platform arbitrarily changes customer account and password.
2. Unauthorized reprints of cases in this platform are prohibited. Offenders will be pursued their legal obligations