Severe Slippage
FX4223109046Solved after user's confirmation
In terms of the order execuation price of your order, after rechecking we confirm that a short-time delay of pricing happened between 12:38 GMT+0 and 13:09 GMT+0 on March 25. So we'll cancel the orders which are affected during the time and returned the loss of these related orders. Please feel free to contact platform 24h online customer service, if you have any question.
FX4223109046Supplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
Another order also has wrong data, and they restored a previous wrong K line secretly.
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FX4223109046Start Mediation
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March 25, 2022, the first picture is my real market price, the second picture is the simulated market price of the same platform, and the third picture is the website real-time market price map. Today, I have a an order and it does not reach my stop loss position at all. There was a serious error in the data, so that my order was not profitable, but was stop loss.
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