2022-05-14 18:28
Japan Japan
Do not allow to withdraw

Unable to Withdraw







2022-06-13 20:03
Japan Japan
2022-06-02 10:25
Japan Japan

Supplemental Materials

I have not received a reply for around a week to data. Please tell me what's going on now, and call me back. Thank you!

This content involves sensitive information, so it's hidden by WikiFX

2022-05-30 15:14
United Kingdom


Dear customer, first of all, thank you for your support to us. We find that you registered your trading account as a Japanese user. As we talked about it before, you should send an email to the relevant official department in Japan or visit the official website in Japan and click into the Online Customer service at the upper right corner of the page for help, and put forward your requirements. XM Trading supports online manual customer service and we are so happy to help you with it. Thank you again.

2022-05-27 18:22
United Kingdom


Please contact the platform customer service for help.

2022-05-26 13:44
Japan Japan

Supplemental Materials

XM said that an investigation on fund resource will be conducted according to item 5, clause 28 of the contract. But after reading it, I find that the investigation based on fund resource is only available for the deposit and withdrawal by credit as per the item 5. So far, all the money deposited and withdrawn has been remitted by banks. So I believe that you don't have the right to investigate the money resource. And XM also mentioned that the contract would be terminated if the information submission is rejected. If the contract is cancelled, will all the deposit be returned? Can you help me with the communication and call me back. Thank you.

2022-05-25 10:37
Japan Japan

Supplemental Materials

I have already sent an email to meet, but they didn't reply. Could you do me a favor about the communication? I would like to flight to Cyprus to submit the material in person. Please call back, thank you.

2022-05-23 15:21
Japan Japan

Supplemental Materials

I have prepared all the materials. But due to personal privacy, I don't want to upload them on the internet. Can you please ask someone from XM company to collect the material face to face?I'm looking forward to your call. Thank you.

2022-05-16 12:58
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2022-05-16 11:08
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2022-05-14 18:28
Japan Japan

Start Mediation

On the ground of investigation of fund source, they deny the withdrawal. They still require more document after submitting document.


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