HETAO39499Solved after user's confirmation
HETAO39499Supplemental Materials
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HETAO39499Supplemental Materials
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No any solutions?That's it?Or is the problem being dealt with?
Dear customer, with respect to your problem, you can send the detailed information to the platform 24 hours customer service for help, or you can send an email to the official customer service support@exness.com (ensure correct email address) with your registered email at our platform. If you contacted us before, please still reply to the email or reach out to the 24 hours online customer service for help. Have a good time.
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HETAO39499Start Mediation
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Multiple transfers from other accounts were rejected when there is a risk of a blowout.On March 20, 2023, when I saw that my EXNESS account needed a deposit or there would be a risk of blowing up, I transferred from another EXNESS account to my account 24141612, but the transfer was rejected several times, resulting in a forced liquidation.
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