
With respect to the problem about your account, the complaint department replied that you couldn't log in due to a server error. The position wasn't closed at the price of 1971, and we finally affirm the original result. At the same time, we will compensate you at the final price before the market opening. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please reach out to the online customer service or send an email to support@exness.com, if you need other help.
Dear customer, with respect to your problem, you can send the detailed information to platform 24-hour customer service for help or email the official customer service, support@exness.com (ensure a correct address), with your registered email. If you contacted us before, please still reply by email or reach out to official 24-hour online customer service for help. Thank you.
FX2845812189Supplemental Materials
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Time and pips, and you can't do anything about the disconnection. It disconnected in a second, which is totally unacceptable. How can I close the position without connection?

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If the profit does not close my position, the result is that only part of my principal will be refunded. Firstly, my principal is already my money, and you must return it to me. Secondly, why doesn't the profit not close my position and wait for the position to explode? I did it in 1979, but in 1971, I had to close my position. Your platform didn't allow me to close it. Two orders, and at 16 o'clock, the profit principal itself is mine, and your platform should return it to me, Secondly, if I want to close my position for profit, I will close it instead of you not closing it for me. If you lose money, you can close your position. What is the reason for this,

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