2024-02-02 10:27
The trading board was lagging last night and two crude oil orders could not be closed.
DBG Markets DBG Markets








2024-03-20 15:15
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2024-02-19 15:11
United Kingdom


The server is functioning normally without any lag issues, and we have not found any records of this account initiating a closing order from the backend. Please provide your own MT4 log records, and we will assist in analyzing whether there are any network signal fluctuations or other reasons.

2024-02-02 15:24
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2024-02-02 14:02
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2024-02-02 10:27
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Start Mediation

The trading board is lagging. And the two crude oil orders cannot be closed at the best position of 76.82. The trading account is 8303940. The two transactions were 8290713 and 8286597, and communication with customer service failed.


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