The Securities Commission of The Bahamas

Year 1995Regulated by Government

The Securities Commission of The Bahamas (“the Commission”)(SCB) is a statutory body established in 1995 pursuant to the Securities Board Act, 1995. That Act has since been repealed and replaced by new legislation. The Commission’s mandate is now defined in the Securities Industry Act, 2011 (SIA, 2011). The Commission is responsible for the administration of the SIA, 2011 and the Investment Funds Act, 2003 (the IFA), which provides for the supervision and regulation of the activities of the investment funds, securities and capital markets. The Commission, having been appointed Inspector of Financial and Corporate Services in 1 January 2008, is also responsible for administering the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act, 2000.

Disclose broker
Danger Unauthorized
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2021-05-10
  • Reason for punishment It has come to the attention of the Commission that an entity named ANS-AK.COM, may be conducting activities in this jurisdiction that are either registrable or even illegal under one or more of the Acts.
Disclosure details


This NOTICE is issued by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas (“the Commission”) pursuant to its authority under the Securities Industry Act, 2011, the Investment Funds Act, 2019, the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act, 2020 and the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges Act, 2020 (the Acts). It has come to the attention of the Commission that an entity named ANS-AK.COM, may be conducting activities in this jurisdiction that are either registrable or even illegal under one or more of the Acts. The Commission hereby advises the public that ANS-AK.COM, its agents and/or its consultants, are NOT registrants of the Commission and they have NOT made application for registration with the Commission. Therefore, any conduct of registrable activity by this entity, its agents or consultants in or from this jurisdiction is a violation of one or more of the Acts. If this entity, its agents or consultants in any way hold themselves out as fully compliant and bona fide operating securities, or financial services business in or from this jurisdiction, they are committing an offence and are liable for criminal prosecution and/or regulatory sanctions under the relevant laws of The Bahamas. BACKGROUND ANS-AK via its website:, falsely claims to be authorized and regulated by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas. Individuals currently (or desirous of) conducting business with the aforementioned entity and/or its agents/representatives, should be cognizant that they are doing so with an entity and/or agents who are NOT in any way authorized or regulated by the Commission. Listings of the Commission’s authorized registrants and licensees can be found on the Commission’s website at Anyone who has a complaint and/or information pertaining to the aforementioned entities should contact: Mr. Gawaine Ward Senior Manager Enforcement Department Securities Commission of The Bahamas E-mail: or