National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange

Year 1974Regulated by Government

The Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) is the public authority responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets.Its activity is aimed at the protection of the investing public.The CONSOB is the competent authority for ensuring transparency and correct behaviour by financial market participants;disclosure of complete and accurate information to the investing public by listed companies;It conducts investigations with respect to potential infringements of insider dealing and market manipulation law.

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Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2022-08-01
  • Reason for punishment Consob has ordered the black-out of 3 new websites that offer financial products/services illegally.
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Consob warning on Fti Finance ( - Broker Capitals Limited (, page - Mb Invest ( Enercom AG (, pages,

Consob has ordered the black-out of 3 new websites that offer financial products/services illegally. The Authority availed itself of the powers deriving from the "Decreto crescita" (growth decree, Law no. 58 of 28 June 2019, article 36, paragraph 2-terdecies) regarding the blackout of the sites of abusive financial intermediaries, as well as the power introduced by Law no. 8 of 28 February 2020 (article 4, paragraph 3-bis), regarding the blackout of the sites through which the abusive offer is made. Below are the sites Consob has ordered to be blacked out: - Fti Finance (website; - Broker Capitals Limited (website and its page - Mb Invest (website The number of sites blacked out since July 2019, when Consob got the power to order that the websites of fraudulent financial intermediaries be blacked out, has thus risen to 744. The measures adopted by Consob can be consulted on the website The black-out of these websites by internet service providers operating on Italian territory is ongoing. For technical reasons, it can take several days for the black-out to come into effect. Consob draws investors’ attention to the importance of adopting the greatest diligence in order to make informed investment choices, adopting common sense behaviours, essential to safeguard one’s savings: these include, for websites that offer financial services, checking in advance that the operator with whom you are investing is authorised, and, for offers of financial products, that a prospectus has been published. To this end, Consob would remind you that there is a section on the homepage of its website entitled “Watch for scams!”, providing useful information to warn investors against financially abusive initiatives. *** Consob has also prohibited, pursuant to article 99, paragraph 1, letter c) of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the offer to the public residing in Italy of Enercom Tokens promoted by Enercom AG through the website and its pages and (resolution no. 22424 of 28 July 2022). The offer had already been suspended as a precautionary measure, pursuant to article 99, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consolidated Law on Finance, for a period of ten days (see "Consob Informa" no. 26 of 25 July 2022). *** Consob has ordered the same subjects to cease the violation of Article 18 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, pursuant to article 7-octies, letter b) of the same legislative decree: - Fti Finance through the website (resolution no. 22427 of 28 July 2022); - Broker Capitals Limited through the website and its page (resolution no. 22426 of 28 July 2022). - Mb Invest through the website (resolution no. 22425 of 28 July 2022); (Published in "Consob Informa" no. 27/2022 - 1 August 2022)
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