Financial Markets Authority

Year 2011Regulated by Government

The Financial markets Authority (FMA) is a New Zealand government agency responsible for enforcing securities, financial reporting and company law as they apply to financial services and securities markets. The FMA also regulates securities exchanges, financial advisers and brokers, auditors, trustees and issuers - including issuers of KiwiSaver and superannuation schemes. It jointly oversees designated settlement systems in New Zealand, with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). FMA is a member of New Zealand’s Council of Financial Regulators.

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  • Disclosure time 2020-08-06
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MetalsWise / MetalWise

06 August 2020 MetalsWise / MetalWise SHARE THIS The warning was first published on 28 May 2020. ENTITY NAME: MetalsWise / MetalWise ADDRESS: Moor House 120 London Wall, EC2Y 5ET UK WEBSITE: EMAIL: TELEPHONE: 0800 995 062 REASON FOR WARNING: We are concerned that Metalwise (formerly MetalsWise) a precious metals and commodities trader purporting to operate from the United Kingdom, and its associated website may be operating a scam. We published a warning about MetalsWise on 17 April 2020 as an unregistered business. Since the warning was published, the business has rebranded to the name MetalWise. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom advises that MetalsWise is not authorised by the FCA. Potential victims are being instructed to pay money to a bank account in Spain. MetalWise is currently advertising on NZ radio. MetalWise is not registered and/or licensed to offer financial services to New Zealand residents and we recommend exercising caution. The website is not associated with the NZ registered company Metalwise NZ Limited or the UK registered company MetalWise Southwest Limited. Those companies are involved in unrelated businesses. Details of the bank account used by MetalsWise are as follows: Beneficiary: MIDATLANTIC HOLDINGS, S.L. Address: AVENIDA JAINE lll, 11, ENTLO.3 07012 PALMA DE MALLORCA, SPAIN Bank: Deutsche Bank S.A. ESPANOLA Bank Address: PASO DE LA CASTELLANA, 18, 20746 MADRID, SPAIN Bank Telephone: +34 93 586 6901 IBAN #: ES49 0019 0160 1940 1003 1013 SWIFT CODE: DBSCESMMXXX Reason for Wire: 601029
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