A Visit to the HK Broker Chaos International Financial Limited

Good Hong Kong China


A Visit to the HK Broker Chaos International Financial Limited
Good Hong Kong China

Brand Story

Incepted in 2016, Chaos International Financial Ltd is a whole-funded subsidy of Chaos Ternary Futures Co., Ltd abroad. Strongly supported by the parent company and its shareholders, the company is an active player in the HK security market with a new look and stance. Chaos International Financial Ltd takes the lead in the Chaos’internationaliziation. 


According to the regulatory information, the HK licensed broker Chaos International Financial Ltd was located at Room 1108-11, 11th floor, No. 3 Champion Mansion, Central Garden Street, HK. The surveyors visited the broker.

According to the regulatory information and GPS, the surveyors came to Central Garden Street. Since there were quite a lot of high-rises on the street, the surveyors made much effort to find Champion Mansion. This mansion is the surveyors’ destination.

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The surveyors entered the building and found a floor directory at the staircase of the first floor. The surveyors were informed from the directory that Chaos International Financial Ltd was located at the 11th floor.


The surveyors then took the elevator straight forward to the 11th floor and were informed from the company directory on the 11th floor that Room 1108-11 was the broker’s office.


The surveyors came to the door of the broker’s office as was guided by the direcion indicated by the arrow on the directory. The surveyors found four glass signages on which existed the broker’s name in English and Chinese.


The surveyors walked to the reception area of Chaos International Financial Ltd.


The surveyors entered the broker’s office and saw at first its logo, the reception area and a black sofa. After explaining the inspection reason, the receptionist gave the surveyors a warm welcome and had a kind and friendly conversation with the surveyors. The surveyors were informed from the conversation that Chaos International Financial Ltd hardly trade forex in the Maniland, China because of the regulation of HK Security Regulatory Commission. 


The surveyors noticed that there hanged some certification documents on the wall near the reception area. From which it was seen the broker is under valid regulation and operates in legal compliance. Moreover, the receptionist led the surveyors to look around the entire office. Chaos International Financial Ltd’ s office was bright, clean and spacious with green plants all over the office. The office looked very warm. Its staff members were kind and friendly. As was known from its staff member, since the office located at a gold area in HK, the rental was quite expensive.


The visit by surveyors confirmed that the real address of the HK licensed broker Chaos was the same with its licensed address. The surveyor held two futures trade license issued by CFFEX and SFC.Discretion is advised with regard to investment.

Broker Information

Domestic Regulation


5-10 years |Regulated in China |Futures License |Suspicious Scope of Business |China Hong Kong Dealing in futures contracts Revoked |Medium potential risk |
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  • Country/region of Registry:
    China Hong Kong
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  • Customer Service Number:
Domestic Regulation


5-10 years | Regulated in China | Futures License | Suspicious Scope of Business | China Hong Kong Dealing in futures contracts Revoked | Medium potential risk |
  • Company Abbreviation: Chaos
  • Country/region of Registry: China Hong Kong
  • Official Email: cs@cifsf.com.hk
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:+85225968220

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