A Visit to FERNFX in New Zealand-Registration Address?

Danger New Zealand

105 Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand

A Visit to FERNFX in New Zealand-Registration Address?
Danger New Zealand

Inspection Reason

Recently investors called the inspection team to say that FERNFX’s official website was unable to visit and express their hope for WikiFX to visit the broker. In response to investors’ demand, the inspection team designated a surveyor to go to FERNFX’s office in New Zealand for more information.

Office Building

According to the regulation information, the New Zealand licensed broker was located at Suite 42, 368 Queen Street Auckland Central Auckland. The surveyor decided to visit the broker.


The surveyor found the office building indicated by the regulation information without much trouble. According to the floor directory outside the office building it was known that there were quite a few shops in the building.

Featured Photos


The surveyor then entered the building and found there were no information about companies in Suite 42 on the floor directory in the lobby at the first floor.


The surveyor found FERNFX’s name and the agent’s contact information at an inconspicuous corner after reading the directory carefully. The surveyor asked a mobile phone repair shop and was informed that FERNFX’s office was small. There were about three cubicles only in the office. The office was crowded with piles of junk and almost.no one worked in it.


It was confirmed by the surveyor’s inspection that the New Zealand licensed broker FERNFX’s real address was the same with its regulation address. Since the broker’s financial services company license(RN:589348) issued by FSPR was confirmed to be bogus, please pay attention to money safety when choosing the broker whose regulation address was suspected to be its registration address.

Broker Information

No Regulation


5-10 years |Suspicious Regulatory License |Suspicious Scope of Business |New Zealand Financial Service Corporate Revoked |Suspicious Overrun |High potential risk |
  • Company Name:
  • Country/region of Registry:
    New Zealand
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
No Regulation


5-10 years | Suspicious Regulatory License | Suspicious Scope of Business | New Zealand Financial Service Corporate Revoked | Suspicious Overrun | High potential risk |
  • Company Name: FERN GROUP NZ LTD
  • Company Abbreviation: FERNFX
  • Country/region of Registry: New Zealand
  • Official Email: info@fernfx.com
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:+642108934116

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