CENT Forex Account: Everything You Need to Know

The main feature of the Cent account is that it calculates the trading balance using the cent instead. As a result, the Cent account allows traders to use the micro lot size of 0.01. This type of forex trading account is commonly popular among traders who are new to trading or want to enter the market with minimum risks.

Activity 2022-05-22 12:40

The three major U.S. stock indexes fluctuated widely, and the daily correction of the gold line ended the four-week losing streak

The three major U.S. stock indexes fluctuated widely, and the daily correction of the gold line ended the four-week losing streak

Review 2022-05-20 22:22

European Central Bank: The interest rate standard has been met and expressed concern about high inflation data.

European Central Bank: The interest rate standard has been met and expressed concern about high inflation data.

News 2022-05-20 22:04

WikiFX report: LiteForex Reduces Gold Trading Spreads

With the reduced spread, the trading cost is lower and LiteForex client could focus more on managing their account balance. Here are the details.

News 2022-05-20 17:32


Retail forex broker LiteForex‎ today announced in a corporate statement its official rebranding to ‎LiteFinance.‎

News 2022-05-20 17:21

WikiFX report: MTI Release Official Response To FX Choice Closure

As reported earlier this week by Global Crypto, MTI’s alleged FX provider FX Choice blocked their account. Global Crypto reached out to MTI the day the news broke, and this morning received an official statement from the Cape Town based company.

News 2022-05-20 16:55

WikiFX report: Omegapro is the most awaited Forex platform

Trading can be a complicated and treacherous line of work, the lack of knowledge, and the absence of sufficient experience can pose a serious threat to your capital. Offering financial advice and making trading easy and simple is a task most Forex platforms overlook.

News 2022-05-20 16:44

WikiFX report: OmegaPro is Changing Lives Everywhere!

OmegaPro is a pioneer in internet trading, having been founded in later part of 2018. Initially focusing on Forex trading, it has now expanded its product offering to include indices, stocks, commodities, and other assets.

News 2022-05-20 16:26

WikiFX report: Omegapro: Cooperative Forex platform for the determined businessmen

Omegapro offers a cooperative and uncomplicated trading environment to its clients along with financial guidance. Established by a business tycoon named Andreas Szakacst, the tagline of the company is, "The market never rests, why should we?"

News 2022-05-20 15:49

WikiFX report: EmpiresX Collapses, Exit Scams and Sells Affiliate Private Info?

Thousands of EmpiresX Investors have lost Millions collectively but now the company has sold all of their affiliate private information to other scammers.

News 2022-05-20 15:43

WikiFX:Beurax Appears to Have Joined BitConnect, OneCoin, Etc in Long List of Ponzi Scheme ExitScams

Ponzi schemes are as prevalent as ever. Just have a gander at past enforcement actions taken by the Securities and Exchange Commission over past years. Despite this prevalence, investors continue to get bilked out of their hard-earned money.

News 2022-05-20 15:36

WikiFX report: Urgent Alert! Do not fall for the green-painted CedarFX broker scheme!

The CedarfFX broker scam (www.cedarfx.com) has a green touch to it. The fraud is purportedly run by Cedar LLC, a St. Vincent and the Grenadines-based company founded in September 2020. Bitcoins, credit and debit cards, and bank transfers are all options for victims.

News 2022-05-20 15:22

WikiFX report: 24option and TradeATF renounce CySEC license after FCA ban

At a time when many Retail FX brokers are scrambling to get a CySEC CIF license ahead of the December 31, 2020 Brexit transition deadline, a number of brokers are heading in the other direction.

News 2022-05-20 15:14

The U.S. economic growth forecast was downgraded, and the three major stock indexes fell unilaterally

The U.S. economic growth forecast was downgraded, and the three major stock indexes fell unilaterally

Review 2022-05-19 23:27

Fed's Evans and Harker: Support 50bps rate hike

Fed's Evans and Harker: Support 50bps rate hike

News 2022-05-19 23:19

Forex Margin and Margin call Explained

Forex margin refers to the percentage of funds that a trader must put forward from their account balance in order to open a trade and to ensure the trader can handle potential losses. The margin amount taken is locked up for the particular duration of the trade and sent back to the trader's account once the trade is closed and is available again to open new trades.

Activity 2022-05-19 22:36

Trading Mindset: 4 Steps to Develop a Successful Trading Mindset

A trading mindset is the core factor behind successful trading and it is something that every trader should work on and develop constantly. Establishing a positive trading mindset will help you to easily maintain your self-discipline when trading challenges your mental energy.

Activity 2022-05-19 22:19

WikiFX report: CySEC Suspends 24option, TradeATF, Magnum FX and F1Markets on FCA Request

The UK watchdog said these brands used fake celebrity endorsements for their products on social media.

News 2022-05-19 18:50


CySEC confirms that it has been informed by Rodeler and Hoch Capital of their intentions to renounce their CIF authorizations.

News 2022-05-19 18:42

WikiFX report: TradeATF Review: Why You Should Stay Away From This Broker

The number of internet brokers is increasing all the time. While this is beneficial to investors, there are a number of rogue forex brokers. These con artists prey on unwary investors, and many new traders have fallen victim to their schemes.

News 2022-05-19 17:11