more than one year
Do not be fooled by 247 ProTrade’s ads!
Do not give them your money!
Do not give them your details!
Do not answer their calls or give them the light of day!
Do not be fooled by 247 ProTrade’s ads!
Do not give them your money!
Do not give them your details!
Do not answer their calls or give them the light of day!
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2022-12-09 15:05
more than one year
Disappointed with 247 ProTrade. Issues aren't resolved promptly, and they tend to shift blame instead. Frustrated with the lack of accountability. Switching to a more reliable platform like FXTM.
Disappointed with 247 ProTrade. Issues aren't resolved promptly, and they tend to shift blame instead. Frustrated with the lack of accountability. Switching to a more reliable platform like FXTM.
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2023-12-22 12:12
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