High fees
Can't accept it

100% Scam
This is a complicated scam. I've been warned before, but I still lost money because of my greedy

Wipe out your account
This is a broker with slippage, making u unable to profit.

Make your positions wiped out and can't withdraw bonus
Make your positions wiped out and can't withdraw bonus

Forced liquidation for slippage of 200 pips
Keep ask customers to add more money in the platform. And induce customers to invest by high bonus

Wipe out your positions
Wipe out your positions

Large price differences
The slippage is so large here, making you can't profit/

Unable to withdraw. High slippage.
I can't withdraw funds except that I traded enough amount of stocks and XAU/USD. My applications for withdrawals were refused. And the slippage is up to 7.61 pips

This is a fraud platform.

Unable to withdraw
I can’t withdraw the bonus. This is a scam

Severe Slippage
There is severe slippage which will influence your orders. They wanna embezzle customers' money

Can deposit but can't withdraw
When you wanna withdraw, there are so many reaons to prevent you, such as verification and enough trading volume

Give adverse recommendations