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The client has completed the three stages of KYC verification and has been removed from the withdrawal blacklist and internal transfer blacklist.
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The above information is true. I hope the relevant person in charge will pay attention to this matter and provide a fair resolution for ordinary traders.

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在抖音认识客服经理后他介绍了vt平台觉得靠谱。硕活动只有中国客户喝香港客户才能享受 交易之前和客户经理沟通了很久 才开始交易 充值200u送一百u 经理提醒不要违规交易 我问什么是违规交易 是不是盈利就是违规交易 经过详细沟通 只要不是大仓位不会被认为违规 (图一)结果我还真幸运我盈利了。结果喔出金呗拒绝(图二)。说我外部对冲(图三)反正不管我怎么解释就说我外部对冲对冲。我违规请拿出证据 不管我怎么解释反正不给出金。

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