Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

Year 2001Regulated by Government

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) was established in accordance with section 5 of the Securities and Exchange Commission (Establishment and Responsibilities) Law of 2001 as a public legal entity. It is an independent public supervisory Authority responsible for the supervision of the investment services market, transactions in transferable securities carried out in the Republic of Cyprus and the collective investment and asset management sector. It also supervises the firms offering administrative services which do not fall under the supervision of ICPAC and the Cyprus Bar Association.

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Sanction Permanent cessation of business / revocation of license
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2022-08-03
  • Reason for punishment the Company’s decision to expressly renounce
Disclosure details

CySEC Decision

21 July 2022 CySEC Decision Announcement date: 21.07.2022 CySEC Decision date: 04.07.2022 Regarding: Finteractive Ltd Legislation: The Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law Subject: Withdrawal of CIF authorisation Judicial Review: Ν/Α Judicial Review Ruling: Ν/Α The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission announces that, on its meeting of 4 th July 2022, has decided, pursuant to section 8(1)(a) of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2017 and section 4(7) of Directive DI87-05, to withdraw the Cyprus Investment Firm authorisation with Number 238/14 of Finteractive Ltd (‘the Company’), due to the Company’s decision to expressly renounce it.
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