National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange

Year 1974Regulated by Government

The Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) is the public authority responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets.Its activity is aimed at the protection of the investing public.The CONSOB is the competent authority for ensuring transparency and correct behaviour by financial market participants;disclosure of complete and accurate information to the investing public by listed companies;It conducts investigations with respect to potential infringements of insider dealing and market manipulation law.

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Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2022-10-24
  • Reason for punishment Consob has ordered the blackout of 6 new websites that abusively offer financial services/financial products: 5 abusive financial intermediation sites and 1 site through which financial products are offered without a prospectus.
Disclosure details

Consob warning on Cms Ltd (, pages, - Clandestiny Group Llc ( - Cryptopay Limited (, page - Axicapitals (, page - Sureinvest (, page - British Trade Limited (

Consob ordered the blackout of 5 new websites which are offering financial services illegally. The commission availed itself of the new powers resulting from the "Decreto Crescita" ("Growth Decree"; Law no. 58 of 28 June 2019, article 36, paragraph 2-terdecies), on the basis of which Consob can order internet service providers to block access from Italy to websites offering financial services without the proper authorization. Below are the sites Consob has ordered to be blacked out: - Bright Group Llc (website and its page page); - (website and its page; - Unico Aust Pty Ltd (website and its page; - Cms Ltd (website and its pages and; - Olympusbrokers Ltd (website The number of sites blacked out since July 2019, when Consob got the power to order that the websites of fraudulent financial intermediaries be blacked out, has thus risen to 825. The measures adopted by Consob can be consulted on the website The black-out of these websites by internet service providers operating on Italian territory is ongoing. For technical reasons, it can take several days for the black-out to come into effect. Consob draws investors' attention to the importance of adopting the greatest diligence in order to make informed investment choices, adopting common sense behaviours, essential to safeguard one's savings: these include, for websites that offer financial services, checking in advance that the operator with whom you are investing is authorised, and, for offers of financial products, that a prospectus has been published. To this end, Consob would remind you that there is a section on the homepage of its website entitled "Watch for scams!", providing useful information to warn investors against financially abusive initiatives. *** Consob has also forbidden the offering to the public resident in Italy of financial products represented by the "Investment Plans" called "Plan A", "Plan B", "Plan C", "Plan D", "Diamond Plan", "Silver Package" and "Gold Package" made by "Coin Earners Ltd" including through the website (resolution no. 22573 of 1 February 2023). The activity had been suspended, for a period of 90 days, by resolution no. 22496 of 3 November 2022. * * * Consob has ordered the same subjects to cease the violation of Article 18 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, pursuant to article 7-octies, letter b) of the same legislative decree: - Bright Group Llc via the website and its page (resolution no. 22580 of 1 February 2023); - via the website and its page (resolution no. 22576 of 1 February 2023); - Unico Aust Pty Ltd via the website and its page (resolution no. 22577 of 1 February 2023); - Cms Ltd via the website and its pages and (resolution no. 22578 of 1 February 2023); - Olympusbrokers Ltd via the website (resolution no. 22579 of 1 February 2023). (Published in "Consob Informa" no. 4/2023 - 6 February 2023) 06 Feb 2023Warning on - - Centraltradinghub - Future Fx Stakes Ltd - Cryptomargin - Digital-Inv - Fxcapitalprofit - - Smart Coin Trade Fx - Hex-Capitals Ltd - - - - Honestumhk / - Venus Holdings - Legal Answers Ltd - Arab European Bank - Kopes Bank / - Oh Jy Coin - Optima Investing / Invest Limited - Hutano Medicals - Portman Financial Management - Kryptod Llc / Krypto Holding Limited - Mmrecoverylimited - Dot Dot Loans - Mascot Automotive Leasing - Alpha-Crypx - Abbey Loans / Abby Finance - TapTop Fintech Ltd - Winfxmarkets / - Alpha Capital / - Gct Trading Coin - Lamelle Financial Consultants Ltd - Banco Amigavel Internacional - Seedcamp - - - O3fx Capital - Coin Plus Wallet - Zenith Trading Capital - Exchangenilo - - Protonforex / Proton Brokers - Earneasymoney - Accel Venture Partners / Crypto-Accel - Deluxe-broker - Tradesxmarket - Tradeio Fx - - - Millenium Growth - - - - Hfx Cryptofx Trade - Brikanta Limited Ltd - Jdp Group Llc - Incendiary Group Ltd / Cynosure Consulting Ltd - Swissiam - Gmbh - Saqs Investment - Fxbinapro - - Cryptopoint72 / Crytop72 Ltd - Magking Global / Magking Forex / Magking Limited - Vnsmart - Swiss Market Index - Northern Bits - Trade It Green - Spotchains - Wellari - Bitcoin Motion / BitcoinMotioneu - Tetherdefi-Mining - Trenton International Investments - Crypto Wealth Investments / CryptoWealthInvestments / Crypto Wealth Investments / Crypto Wealth Investments - Investments Global - Lpl Invest - Nab-Capital - Marketsxo - Nab Crypto - Beneffx - Prime Coin - Magnitude Financial Group - Vb-Fx - The supervisory authorities of the United Kingdom (Financial Conduct Authority - FCA), Poland (Polish Financial Supervision Authority - KNF), Switzerland (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority - FINMA), Malta (Malta Financial Services Authority - MFSA), Ontario (Ontario Securities Commission - OSC), New Zealand (Financial Markets Authority - FMA New Zealand) and Gibraltar (Gibraltar Financial Services Commission - GFSC), report the companies and websites offering investment, financial and insurance services without the required authorisations. Reported by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - United Kingdom: (; (; Centraltradinghub (; Future Fx Stakes Ltd (; Cryptomargin (; Digital-Inv (; Fxcapitalprofit (; (; Smart Coin Trade Fx (; Hex-Capitals Ltd (; (, clone of a licensed company; (, clone of a licensed company; (, clone of a licensed company; Honestumhk / (; Venus Holdings (; Legal Answers Ltd (Linkedin:; Arab European Bank (; Kopes Bank / (; Oh Jy Coin (; Optima Investing / Invest Limited (; Hutano Medicals (; Portman Financial Management (; Kryptod Llc / Krypto Holding Limited (; Mmrecoverylimited (, clone of a licensed company; Dot Dot Loans (email:, clone of a licensed company; Mascot Automotive Leasing (, clone of a licensed company; Alpha-Crypx (; Abbey Loans / Abby Finance (email:; TapTop Fintech Ltd (; Winfxmarkets / (; Alpha Capital / (; Gct Trading Coin (; Lamelle Financial Consultants Ltd (; Banco Amigavel Internacional (; Seedcamp (, clone of a licensed company; (, clone of a licensed company; (email: ), clone of a licensed company; O3fx Capital (; Coin Plus Wallet (; Zenith Trading Capital (; Exchangenilo (; (; Protonforex / Proton Brokers (,; Earneasymoney (; Accel Venture Partners / Crypto-Accel (; Deluxe-broker (; Tradesxmarket (; Tradeio Fx (; (; (; Millenium Growth (; (; (; (; Hfx Cryptofx Trade ( Reported by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) - Poland: Brikanta Limited Ltd (; Jdp Group Llc (; Incendiary Group Ltd / Cynosure Consulting Ltd (,,,,,, e Reported by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) - Switzerland: Swissiam (; Gmbh (; Saqs Investment ( Already reported by the Securities and Futures Commission - (SFC) - Hong Kong (see Consob Informa No. 36/2022 of 7 November 2022). Reported by Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) – Malta: Fxbinapro (; Reported by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) – Ontario: Cryptopoint72 / Crytop72 Ltd (; Magking Global / Magking Forex / Magking Limited; Vnsmart (; Swiss Market Index (; Northern Bits (,; Trade It Green (; Spotchains (,,; Wellari (; Bitcoin Motion / BitcoinMotioneu (,,; Tetherdefi-Mining (; Trenton International Investments (; Crypto Wealth Investments / CryptoWealthInvestments / Crypto Wealth Investments / Crypto Wealth Investments (; Investments Global (; Lpl Invest ( Reported by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) – Belgium (see "Consob Informa" no. 20/2022 of 13 June 2022); Nab-Capital (; Marketsxo ( Previously reported by the Financial Services and Markets Commission (BCSC) - British Columbia (see "Consob Informa" no. 28/2022 of 12 September 2022); Nab Crypto (; Beneffx (; Prime Coin ( Reported by the Financial Markets Authority - (FMA New Zealand): Magnitude Financial Group (,; Vb-Fx (, clone of a licensed company. Reported by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) – Gibraltar: (clone of a licensed company). (Published in "Consob Informa" no. 4/2023 - 6 February 2023) 30 Jan 2023Warning on Tradebitfinex - Instanttradesfx - Smart Coin Trade Fx - Crypto Alpha Fx Trade - Icmarketpros - Roifx - Bluefoxinvestment - Lost Wallet Limited - Top-Miner - Amtop Markets Ltd /Ig Global Limited - Scam Watcher - United Capital Finance - Wealins Uk - Mit Trading / Mit-Ic - Rabbit Loans - - Gatebits - Crypto Experts Traders - Cz-changpeng Fx - Equiti Capital Markets - - Hex-Capitals Ltd - Global-Heritageltd.Com - Maxitrade - Octextrade - Great Crypt - - - - - - - - - Yellow Spoon Capital - Common Investments - Markets Expert - Donnybrook Consulting Ltd - Palo Market - - Epsilon Investments - Traders Global Group - Azimuth Trade - Cryptotradetech - - - Radixinvest - Fisher Investments Luxembourg - Fisher Investments Europe - Invcenter - Altria Capitals - Qteck - Cryptogm - I-Cryptogm The supervisory authorities of United Kingdom (Financial Conduct Authority - FCA), Gibraltar (Gibraltar Financial Services Commission - GFSC), Switzerland (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority – FINMA), Poland (Polish Financial Supervision Authority - KNF), Spain (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores - CNMV), Greece (Hellenic Capital Market Commission - HCMC), Luxembourg (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier - CSSF) and Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland – CBI) report companies and websites that are offering investment, financial, banking and insurance services without the required authorisations. Reported by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - United Kingdom: Tradebitfinex (; Instanttradesfx (; Smart Coin Trade Fx (; Crypto Alpha Fx Trade (; Icmarketpros (; Roifx (; Bluefoxinvestment (; Lost Wallet Limited (; Top-Miner (; Amtop Markets Ltd / Ig Global Limited (,,,, clone of a licensed company; Scam Watcher (; United Capital Finance (; Wealins Uk (, clone of a licensed company; Mit Trading / Mit-Ic (; Rabbit Loans (; (, clone of a licensed company; Gatebits (, clone of a licensed company; Crypto Experts Traders (; Cz-changpeng Fx (; Equiti Capital Markets (; (; Hex-Capitals Ltd (; Global-Heritageltd.Com (; Maxitrade (; Octextrade ( Reported by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) – Gibraltar: Great Crypt (;;;;;;;; Reported by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) - Switzerland: Yellow Spoon Capital (; Common Investments ( Reported by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) - Poland: Markets Expert (; Donnybrook Consulting Ltd (,,,,,,,,,,,; Palo Market ( Reported by the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) – Spain:; Epsilon Investments (; Traders Global Group Inc (; Azimuth Trade (; Cryptotradetech ( Reported by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission – (HCMC) – Greece:;; Radixinvest ( Reported by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – (CSSF) - Luxembourg: The Luxembourg Supervisory Authority, CSSF, warns the investing public that unknown individuals contact potential investors under the name of "Fisher Investments Luxembourg" or "Fisher Investments Europe". These individuals offer investment services including, in particular, a savings account described as a "guaranteed savings account with a guaranteed return of between 3.99% and 5.30%" (Livret sécurisé avec un rendement de 3,99% à 5,30% garanti). This is done by illegally using the name of the Luxembourg company Fisher Investments Luxembourg, and sending email messages using the email addresses in the format and The CSSF wishes to clarify that the investment company Fisher Investments Luxembourg, duly authorised in Luxembourg and subject to the supervision of the CSSF, is not in any way related to the facts referred to in this notice. Reported by the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) – Ireland: Invcenter; Altria Capitals; Qteck; Cryptogm; I-Cryptogm. (Published in "Consob Informa" no. 3/2023 - 30 January 2023)3 23 Jan 2023Warning on Elite-firm - - Fxgross Trading - C-Market Trade - Nftventures-capital - Pro Fx Trading - Equity Global Bank - Bherma Trust Bank - Trusthub Miningfx - Pro Max Loans - City Premier Bank - Procoin Markets / Advanced Markets - Icapital Investment - Us Ideals - Ecb Crypto - Posco Capital - Pheno Fx - Iq Os Money - Eureka Forex Trade - Freedom Finance / Freedom to Finance - Global Trade Express Ltd / - Fintech Market / - Ifa Football Online Investment Management Company - Keller Finance - Win Protocol - Capital Wealth - Walk Crypto / - Uk Trading Options / - Progressive Trade Ltd - Isi Investment Advisory Ltd - Invest Kingdom - Gfss Ltd - Morganfinance - Earnsmartlyforex - Ca-cib Corporate - Binary-fx. Trade - Bigblue Fx - Metroincometrade - Retro Fx Profit - - Primal Capital Bank - Maxgrowth Fx - Global Expert Investment Pro / - Trinity Sports and Prestige of Sevenoaks / - - Cryptoneyx - Swiss Holding Bank - Fxglobe China - Knc Miners Ltd / - Ix Forex Ltd - Spring Capital Bank - Ironclad Investments / Ironclad Markets - Ssloyal - Atlantisglobaltrade / Binaryeasytrade - Egow Investments / - Metro Fx - Super Stock Market - Sort Global Market - Crypto-smartchains - Cisco Global Markets - Apexmarketltd - Extreme Crypto Hub - Experttrades247 - Bluehub Prime - Global Trade Mkt - Accessfx247 Tradepro - Goldcoin Investment - Fxcfstraders - Elite Capital Invest - Centrahoma Stone Bank - Activeprotrades / Activeprotrades Brokers - Exclusive Trade Fx - Crypto Venture Moni - Amarinvest Ltd - Binakfx - Fixed Income Finder - European Investment - Exchange X Markets - Smart Ependy Si - Crypto Fx Index - Profit Index Traders - Profit Index Market - Crypto Geniuse - Swift Capital Fx24 - - Ailurophile Group Llc - Tradeuros - Tradeuros Limited - Bitmax Crypto Limited - Biteths Trading - Bitxneo - Asociación Mutual Net - Markets Expert - Evrensel Capital Partners Public Limited Company - Safe Investment Group Llc - Platform Msp Limited - Fxfinance Ltd - Bidesk - B.O. Tradefinanicials Ltd / Digitaldailyreturn Company - Protonforex - North American Investment Corporation - Growth Line Option - B.O. Tradefinancials Ltd / Affiliatetrade247 Investment Team - International Marine Surveyors - Quantfund (Bvi) Ltd - Piptradex (Bvi) Ltd - Ameritrade Investment Limited - Cryptonextrader (Bvi) Ltd - Qfx Trade Limited - Miga Markets Limited - Sdt Limited - B.O. Tradefinancials Ltd / Tradesprofits - Vast Triumph Holding Limited - Derivlivetrading.Com - Audina Equalia Trust Services (B.V.I.) Limited - Amc Co Pty Ltd, clone di società autorizzata - Central Forex Limited - Richfield Capital Limited - Unia Trade And Invest Limited - Daily Earning Ltd - Blockspace Option Llc - Eridge Capital Limited - Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited - - - - - - - Ftx Capital Group - Eurocoin Group / Eurocoin Team International Sa - Bauman Ltd / Ava Investments / Pacific Consulting Co Ltd - Bancfx / Ikraso Holdings Ltd / Ikraso Oü - Btcex - E-Bango / E-Bango Investment Management / E-Bango Im / E-Bango Assets Trust & Corporate Services / Uph & blue Group Ltd - Ecosales / Agros Group Ltd - Fnb Group Ltd - Innotrade / Inno Trade / Lissome Group Llc - Cash Forex Group / Cash Fx Group / Cfx - Imobuy Real Estate Investors Group / Imobuy Group The supervisory authorities of the United Kingdom (Financial Conduct Authority - FCA), France (Autorité des Marchés Financiers - Amf), Greece (Hellenic Capital Market Commission - HCMC), Malta (Malta Financial Services Authority - MFSA), Argentina (Comisiòn Nacional de Valores Argentina (CNVA), Switzerland (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority – Finma), Jersey (Jersey Financial Services Commission - JFSC), Poland (Polish Financial Supervision Authority - KNF), British Virgin Islands (British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission – Bvifsc), Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland - CBI), Spain (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores - CNMV) and Portugal (Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários – CMVM) report companies and websites that are offering investment, financial, banking and insurance services without the required authorisation. Reported by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - United Kingdom: Elite -firm (; (; Fxgross Trading (; C-Market Trade (; Nftventures-capital (; Pro Fx Trading (; Equity Global Bank (; Bherma Trust Bank (; Trusthub Miningfx (; Pro Max Loans (; City Premier Bank (; Procoin Markets / Advanced Markets (; Icapital Investment (; Us Ideals (; Ecb Crypto (; Posco Capital (,, clone of a licensed company; Pheno Fx (,; Iq Os Money (; Eureka Forex Trade (; Freedom Finance/Freedom to Finance (, clone of a licensed company; Global Trade Express Ltd / (; Fintech Market / (; Ifa Football Online Investment Management Company (; Keller Finance (, clone of a licensed company; Win Protocol (, clone of a licensed company; Capital Wealth (; Walk Crypto / (; Uk Trading Options / (; Progressive Trade Ltd (; Isi Investment Advisory Ltd (; Invest Kingdom (,, clone of a licensed company; Gfss Ltd (; Morganfinance (, clone of a licensed company. Earnsmartlyforex (; Ca-cib Corporate (, clone of a licensed company; Binary-fx. Trade (; Bigblue Fx (; Metroincometrade (; Retro Fx Profit (; (; Primal Capital Bank (; Maxgrowth Fx (; Global Expert Investment Pro / (; Trinity Sports and Prestige of Sevenoaks / (; Cryptoneyx (; Swiss Holding Bank (; Fxglobe China (; Knc Miners Ltd / (; Ix Forex Ltd (; Spring Capital Bank (; Ironclad Investments / Ironclad Markets (,; Ssloyal (; Atlantisglobaltrade / Binaryeasytrade (,, clone of a licensed company; Egow Investments / (; Metro Fx (; Super Stock Market (; Sort Global Market (; Crypto-smartchains (; Cisco Global Markets (; Apexmarketltd (; Extreme Crypto Hub (; Experttrades247 (; Bluehub Prime (; Global Trade Mkt (; Accessfx247 Tradepro (; Goldcoin Investment (; Fxcfstraders (; Elite Capital Invest (; Centrahoma Stone Bank (; Activeprotrades / Activeprotrades Brokers (; Exclusive Trade Fx (; Crypto Venture Moni (; Amarinvest Ltd (; Binakfx (; Fixed Income Finder (; European Investment (; Exchange X Markets (; Smart Ependy Si (; Crypto Fx Index (; Profit Index Traders (; Profit Index Market (; Crypto Geniuse (; Swift Capital Fx24 ( Reported by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) – France: The AMF warns savers that there is an active campaign involving fraudulent calls by people claiming to work for the AMF and offering to help victims of scam investments to recover their funds. The AMF wishes to emphasise that it is not the Authority's business to recover or return funds lost by investors and that it never asks consumers for money. In recent weeks, retail investors who had been victims of an investment scam have reported to the AMF that they received phone calls from individuals claiming to be "AMF investigators" or "AMF anti-fraud officers" who could help them recover lost money. The phone number displayed appeared to be that of the AMF switchboard. Several reports of victims of crypto-asset investment scams said they were then called by an "engineer" who was supposed to provide technical assistance in recovering their crypto-assets "directly on the Blockchain." The AMF calls for the utmost attention to be paid to such calls. It is technically easy to falsify the caller ID information displayed during a call. This technique is known as "phone spoofing" and is also often used by scammers posing as bank advisors. The goal is always to extort money from the victims. This fraudulent practice is similar to "recovery room fraud", which involves impersonating authorities, supervisors or government bodies, and is one of the "follow-up scam" techniques observed in many countries (Belgium, Cyprus, United Kingdom, United States, etc.). Identity theft from public institutions or authorities has been on the rise for the past three years. These imitations can take various forms: fake emails or websites where the domain name has a single modified letter, fake mail with fake logos or stamps, impersonation of real employees, phone calls from numbers that look authentic, etc. The AMF reminds investors that it never contacts investors on its own initiative to recover funds lost in a fraudulent investment or to offer them compensation. It doesn't have the legal authority to do that. In the event of fraud, only the courts have the power to intervene. Cases involving fraud cannot benefit from AMF mediation, which is a completely free service for resolving disputes between retail investors and their financial intermediaries. Such cases are referred to the public prosecutor. The AMF will continue to act to stop and sanction these fraudulent activities. The AMF urges anyone who receives these fraudulent calls to report them using the form on its website in the "Amf Epargne Info Service" section. In general, the AMF urges retail investors to follow the security guidelines detailed on its website. Reported by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission – (HCMC) – Greece:; Ailurophile Group Llc (; The Hellenic Capital Market Commission informs investors that the online trading platform "Tradeuros" ( and the alleged operator "Tradeuros Limited", which appears to have a registered office in the United Kingdom, are not authorised to provide investment services in financial instruments, listed in section C of Annex I of Greek Law 4514/2018, and/or hold investor/client funds. It should be noted that the entity referred to in the aforementioned website "SFINS" (MFA) ( is not a regulatory authority. Please note that, pursuant to Greek Law 4514/2018, the provision of investment services and the performance of investment activities without the authorisation of Hellenic Capital Market Commission or the competent authority of another Member State of the European Union is a criminal offence subject to serious criminal and administrative sanctions. The Hellenic Capital Market Commission urges investors to check the authorisation and supervisory status of companies on the HCMC website or the relevant competent authorities of other EU Member States before making any transaction. The Hellenic Capital Market Commission does not supervise cryptocurrency markets and does not supervise the provision of services related to cryptocurrency investments. Reported by Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) – Malta: Bitmax Crypto Limited (; Biteths Trading (; Bitxneo ( Reported by the Comisión Nacional de Valores Argentina (CNVA) – Argentina: Asociación Mutual Net ( Reported by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA): Markets Expert ( Reported by the Jersey Financial Services Commission – (JFSC) Jersey: Evrensel Capital Partners Public Limited Company ( Reported by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF): Safe Investment Group Llc (,,; Platform Msp Limited ( Reported by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (Bvifsc) – British Virgin Islands: Fxfinance Ltd; Bidesk (; B.O. Tradefinanicials Ltd / Digitaldailyreturn Company; Protonforex; North American Investment Corporation; Growth Line Option; B.O. Tradefinancials Ltd / Affiliatetrade247 Investment Team; International Marine Surveyors; Quantfund (Bvi) Ltd; Piptradex (Bvi) Ltd; Ameritrade Investment Limited; Cryptonextrader (Bvi) Ltd; Qfx Trade Limited; Miga Markets Limited; Sdt Limited; B.O. Tradefinancials Ltd / Tradesprofits; Vast Triumph Holding Limited; Derivlivetrading.Com; Audina Equalia Trust Services (B.V.I.) Limited; Amc Co Pty Ltd, clone of a licensed company; Central Forex Limited; Richfield Capital Limited; Unia Trade And Invest Limited; Daily Earning Ltd (; Blockspace Option Llc. The British Virgin Islands Supervisory Authority advises savers that on 14 March 2018, the company Eridge Capital Limited was transferred to the British Virgin Islands as a trading company, having previously been registered in Jersey as New World Oil & Gas Plc. ( The entity has never been authorised or regulated by the FSC to carry out investment or financial services activities in the territory of the British Virgin Islands. The Bvifsc also warns savers that a false commercial investment licence bearing the name National Bank Of The British Vergin Islands is being circulated by fraudulently using the name of National Bank of The Virgin Islands Limited, which is an authorised and regulated bank. The entity posing as the authorised bank uses the URL of a fraudulent website ( to advertise and solicit customers to activate banking, transaction, payment and investment services. Reported by the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) – Ireland: Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited, clone of a licensed company. Reported by the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) – Spain:;;;, clone of a licensed company;, clone of a licensed company;, clone of a licensed company; Ftx Capital Group (; Eurocoin Group / Eurocoin Team International Sa (; Bauman Ltd / Ava Investments / Pacific Consulting Co Ltd (; Bancfx / Ikraso Holdings Ltd / Ikraso Oü (; Btcex (; E-Bango / E-Bango Investment Management / E-Bango Im / E-Bango Assets Trust & Corporate Services / Uph&blue Group Ltd (,; Ecosales / Agros Group Ltd (; Fnb Group Ltd (; Innotrade / Inno Trade / Lissome Group Llc (, Reported by the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) - Portugal: Cash Forex Group / Cash Fx Group / Cfx (, Facebook, Instagram Youtube; Imobuy Real Estate Investors Group / Imobuy Group (, LinkedIn page (Published in "Consob Informa" no. 2/2023 - 23 January 2023) 16 Jan 2023Consob warning on Titancfd (, page - Ecc Corp Llc (, pages, - SevenCapital24 ( - Eudaimon Consulting Llc ( - Win Traders (, page - Uefa Football Fund Ltd (, page - British Trade Limited ( Consob has ordered the black-out of 5 new websites that offer financial services illegally. The commission availed itself of the new powers resulting from the 'Decreto Crescita' ('Growth Decree'; Law no. 58 of 28 June 2019, article 36, paragraph 2-terdecies), on the basis of which Consob can order internet service providers to block access from Italy to websites offering financial services without the proper authorization. Below are the sites Consob has ordered to be blacked out: - Titancfd (website and its page - Ecc Corp Llc(website and its pages and; - SevenCapital24 (website; - Eudaimon Consulting Llc (website; - Win Traders (website and its page The number of sites blacked out since July 2019, when Consob got the power to order the black-out of websites of fraudulent financial intermediaries, has thus risen to 820. The measures adopted by Consob can be consulted on the website The black-out of these websites by internet service providers operating on Italian territory is ongoing. For technical reasons, it can take several days for the black-out to come into effect. Consob draws investors' attention to the importance of adopting the greatest diligence in order to make informed investment choices, adopting common sense behaviours, essential to safeguard one's savings: these include, for websites that offer financial services, checking in advance that the operator with whom you are investing is authorised, and, for offers of financial products, that a prospectus has been published. To this end, Consob would remind you that there is a section on the homepage of its website entitled "Watch for scams!", providing useful information to warn investors against financially abusive initiatives. * * * Consob has also prohibited, pursuant to Article 99, paragraph 1, letter c) of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the offer to the Italian public of financial products relating to "investment plans" using the name "UEFA Football Hedge Fund" made by Uefa Football Fund Ltd including via the website and its page (Resolution No. 22556 of 11 January 2023); the offer had already been suspended for a period of 90 days with Resolution No. 22476 of 11 October 2022. * * * Consob has also prohibited, pursuant to art. 99, paragraph 1, letter c), of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the offer to the public of "investment plans" made by British Trade Limited, including through the website (Resolution No. 22558 of 11 January 2023); the offer had already been suspended for a period of 90 days with (Resolution no. 22483 of 19 October 2022). * * * Consob has ordered the same subjects to cease the violation of Article 18 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, pursuant to article 7-octies, letter b) of the same legislative decree: - Titancfd via the website and its page (Resolution no. 22563 of 11 January 2023). - Ecc Corp Llc via the website and its pages and (Resolution no. 22559 of 11 January 2023). - SevenCapital24 via the website (Resolution no. 22561 of 11 January 2023). - Eudaimon Consulting Llc via the website (Resolution no. 22560 of 11 January 2023). - Win Traders via the website and its page (Resolution no. 22562 of 11 January 2023). (Published in "Consob Informa" no. 1/2023 - 16 January 2023) 16 Jan 2023Warning on Moonbitfx - Exorfxstrade - Fx-Capital / Furureview Express - - Stakes Holdings / - - Tophoodfxtrade247 - Etradesoption - Webster Options - Keystone Crypto - Nexglobal / Nexglobal-Cop.Com - Avalon-Brand - Bit-Tradex - Nexpoint-Global - Tradeglobfx - Jek Trade - Expert Crypto Miners - Happy Penny UK / happypenny. - Union Standard International Group Limited - Uni-co / - Housing Disrepair Team Ltd - Skylerfinbank - Flash Coin Mine - Alpha Hedge Expert - Elitemineroption Plc / Elitemineroption Corp - Dmg Financial Services - Fandcinvestmenttrust - Analyst Que / - Tradelap Limited - - Say No to Debts - - Orbit Assets / - Cfdconsulting Capital UK Ltd / Cfd Trades - - Oriontero - Royal Capital /Royal International - Women Dealing with Debt - Forexnjr - Green Field Capital Bank Plc - Mavtopfxtrade - Wisecoinfx - Forexdiamondea - Aifxholding - Financial Access Bank - Legit Bitcoin Fx - Stocktrade Fx - Monie Trust Savings - Crypto-Equities - Swiss Holding Bank - Fxglobe China - Detox Bank / Detoxbank - Pips Index Fx - Fx More Access - Crypto Hub Perfect - Fxfree Online Trade - Aquavolt Limited - Forex Masters Trading - Ultimatemarket - Goldbrick Investment Capital - Teslafxstock-Trading - Wealthmatix - - 247legacymarket - Profit Forex Signals - Forex Trading Worker - Eljoinvest - Expochains / Expochains - Ooreka Inter - Mercuria / Mercuria Ventures - Alphanis - - Quotex/Maxbit Llc and Quotex/Awesomo Ltd - Findelbank - Beonwise - Bank of Lunar - Infinity Funds Icav - Private Investment Indemnity Company - Ikici - Florence Capital Advisor Group - Celomarket - Binotrader - Deutsche Group - Tera Trade - Ritzco Markets Ltd - Keystone International Markets Limited - Eupac Digital Services Ltd - Crypto Active Trading - - Internationale Beratungs Gmbh - Diagenics Group Se Germany - - Swiss Dienst - State Hills - - - - - - Ethereal Group Llc / Fintegral - Gcb London - Hala Tech Sa - Libellium Sp. z o.o. - Monero Emilia Biegańska Sp.j - PancakeSwap Finance - Coinibank - PrimeSpot-Way Ltd - TradeSimple / Apollo MS Ltd / TradeStation - Cryptoneix - Reo Funds Nz Limited / Mr Owen Edward Stokes - Artemis Investment Limited - Bay Exchange - - - - - - Krypto Security The supervisory authorities of United Kingdom (Financial Conduct Authority - Fca), Luxembourg (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier - CSSF), Portugal (Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários – Cmvm), Belgium (Financial Services and Markets Authority – FSMA), Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland), Austria (Financial Market Autority - Fma), Germany (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority – Bafin), Switzerland (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority – Finma), Hong Kong (Securities and Futures Commission - Sfc), Poland (Polish Financial Supervision Authority - Knf), Ontario (Ontario Securities Commission - Osc), New Zealand (Financial Markets Authority - Fma New Zealand),andFrance (Authorité des Marchés Financiers - Amf), report the companies and websites offering investment, financial and insurance services without the required authorisations. Reported by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - United Kingdom: Moonbitfx (; Exorfxstrade (; Fx-Capital / Furureview Express (; (; Stakes Holdings / (; (; Tophoodfxtrade247 (; Etradesoption (; Webster Options (; Keystone Crypto (; Nexglobal / Nexglobal-Cop.Com (; Avalon-Brand (; Bit-Tradex (; Nexpoint-Global (; Tradeglobfx (; Jek Trade (; Expert Crypto Miners (; Happy Penny UK / happypenny. uk UK (, clone of a licensed company; Union Standard International Group Limited (,; Uni-co / (; Housing Disrepair Team Ltd; Skylerfinbank (; Flash Coin Mine (; Alpha Hedge Expert (; Elitemineroption Plc / Elitemineroption Corp (; Dmg Financial Services (; Fandcinvestmenttrust (, clone of a licensed company; Analyst Que / (; Tradelap Limited (, clone of a licensed company;, clone of a licensed company; Say No to Debts (;, clone of a licensed company; Orbit Assets / (; Cfdconsulting Capital UK Ltd/ Cfd Trades (,,, clone of a licensed company; uk (, clone of a licensed company; Oriontero ( Previously reported by the Ontario Securities Commission (Osc) – Ontario (see Consob Informa No. 25/2022 of 18 July 2022) and by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) – Belgium (see Consob Informa No. 20/2022 of 13 June 2022); Royal Capital / Royal International (; Women Dealing with Debt (; Forexnjr (; Green Field Capital Bank Plc (; Mavtopfxtrade (; Wisecoinfx (; Forexdiamondea (; Aifxholding (; Financial Access Bank (; Legit Bitcoin Fx (; Stocktrade Fx (; Monie Trust Savings (; Crypto-Equities (; Swiss Holding Bank (; Fxglobe China (; Detox Bank / Detoxbank (; Pips Index Fx (; Fx More Access (; Crypto Hub Perfect (; Fxfree Online Trade (; Aquavolt Limited ( and facebook:; Forex Masters Trading (; Ultimatemarket (; Goldbrick Investment Capital (; Teslafxstock-Trading (; Wealthmatix (; (; 247legacymarket (; Profit Forex Signals (, www.Instagram.comprofitforsignals;; Forex Trading Worker (, Worker). Reported by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) – Luxembourg: Eljoinvest (; Expochains / Expochains (; Ooreka Inter ( ); Mercuria / Mercuria Ventures (; Alphanis (;, clone of a licensed company. Reported by the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) - Portugal: Quotex/Maxbit Llc and Quotex/Awesomo Ltd (,,,, and, facebook and instagram; Reported by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) – Belgium: Findelbank. Reported by the Central Bank of Ireland – Ireland: Beonwise; Bank of Lunar; Infinity Funds Icav; Private Investment Indemnity Company, clone of a licensed company. Reported by the Financial Market Authority – (FMA) – Austria: Ikici (; Florence Capital Advisor Group (; Celomarket (; Binotrader (; Deutsche Group (; Tera Trade (; Ritzco Markets Ltd (; Keystone International Markets Limited (; Eupac Digital Services Ltd (; Crypto Active Trading (; Reported by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BAFIN) – Germany: Internationale Beratungs Gmbh; Diagenics Group Se Germany. Reported by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA):; Swiss Dienst (; State Hills (; Reported by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) - Hong Kong:, clone of a licensed company;, clone of a licensed company;, clone of a licensed company;, clone of a licensed company. Reported by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) - Poland: Ethereal Group Llc / Fintegral (,,; Gcb London (; Hala Tech Sa; Libellium Sp. z o.o.; Monero Emilia Biegańska Sp.j. Reported by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) – Ontario: PancakeSwap Finance (; Coinibank (; PrimeSpot-Way Ltd (,; TradeSimple / Apollo MS Ltd / TradeStation (,; Cryptoneix ( Already the subject of Consob Resolution No. 22456 of 21 September 2022. Subsequently, the Authority, using the power granted to it under the "Decreto Crescita" (Growth decree) (Law No. 58 of 28 June 2019, article 36, paragraph 2-terdecies), ordered internet service providers to block access from Italy to the website (see Consob Informa No. 30/2022 of 26 September 2022). Also reported by the Authorité des Marchés Financiers (Amf) – France (see Consob Informa No. 43/2022 of 27 December 2022). Reported by the Financial Markets Authority - FMA New Zealand: Reo Funds Nz Limited / Mr Owen Edward Stokes (email:; Artemis Investment Limited. Already reported by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) - Hong Kong, see Consob Informa No. 39/2022 of 28 November 2022; Bay Exchange (;, clone of a licensed company. The New Zealand Supervisory Authority informs savers that the investment offer called "Renewable Energy Bond Investing" may be a scam aimed at residents of New Zealand. The prospectus states that it was issued by Macquarie Asset Management and presents the logo and name of the CEO. Macquarie Asset Management has confirmed that the company is totally unrelated to the offer. The prospectus also states that the investment is "authorised and regulated by the FMA", which is false. The FMA recommends that due diligence and caution be exercised before making any investment. The FMA also alerts savers that the company Krypto Security (email address: contacts the public claiming to be able to help New Zealand residents recover stolen cryptocurrencies. Various high fees are charged in the recovery process, including a payment made through the use of a barcode stating that this is necessary to comply with New Zealand anti-money laundering legislation. The New Zealand Supervisory Authority warns that this control system does not exist in New Zealand. It is also noted that New Zealand residents have received emails from a person posing as an FMA employee, the sender's email address is The email domain used by government agencies in New Zealand ends with the extension The FMA recommends acting with caution when dealing with entities or individuals that offer assistance in recovering any investments or money lost. The FMA recommends acting with caution when dealing with entities or individuals that offer assistance in recovering any investments or money lost. Reported by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) – France:;;; The French Supervisory Authority, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), warns the public of savers against certain platforms offering real estate investments. An increasing number of platforms offer retail investors, often very young, the opportunity to build a real estate asset and/or earn rental income by participating in online fundraisers to finance the acquisition of assets, particularly real estate. These funding operations allow companies to buy buildings. These companies promise to pay the investor a part of the income generated by the rental of the property, and in some cases the payment of a portion of the capital gain on the sale of the property calculated in proportion to the funds paid. All of these revenues are also called royalties. This activity corresponds to loan activities that take place through future income sharing. Although marketing proposals often highlight an investment in real estate, investors do not become property owners in any way. Investors are simply creditors of a company set up specifically for this purpose, often poorly capitalized. They have contributed their money to this company to buy a building of which the company is the sole owner. As a result, investors bear a variety of risks. In addition to the risks usually associated with a real estate investment (for example, income may vary depending on changes in rents, vacant leases, the insolvency of tenants or a loss when the property is resold), investors also bear a risk related to their status as creditors of the company that owns the property. This puts them at an additional risk of losing all the capital they have invested. The proposed financial yields are always overly optimistic or even unrealistic. The AMF also notes that some platforms do not comply with the regulations in force, which aim to protect investors through the quality of the information provided, claims management or access to the AMF Ombudsman. The Amf therefore calls on investors to be extremely vigilant with proposals for investment in loan activities based on the sharing of future incomes, often referred to as royalties. (Published in "Consob Informa" no. 1/2023 - 16 January 2023) 27 Dec 2022Warning on Adrofx - Fxhubs - Forexuniontrades - Fxlive Traders - Graybitcrypto - General Fxs Exchange - Bunksfx - Moon Shell Bank - Ultra Fx Option / Ultrade Fx Options - Atomic Coin Venture - Buildreachy Ltd - Future Bright Investment - Fx Wealth - Bunksfx - Fptrades / fxpoptrades - Forexstackprofit - Bv Bank - Pro Max Finance - Cryptos Fintech - World Wide Lenders - Trade Simple - Realfxtradeotf - Nitro Forex - Sonance Online Bank Plc - Growth Bank - GoldVest Fx - FxUnlocked - Trust Cap Fx Ltd - FxMetaTrade - Forex4u - Acetoro - Aoi Union Bank - Delta Fx - Goldfinance Fx - Tsdl Finbank Uk Limited - C-Tech Digital Crypto Currency - Bing Forex Ltd - Glob Fx Trading - - Crypto Fortune Investment - Hubblebit - Crypto Wallet - CryptoKG - Sparkle Finance - Direct Lender / Sparkle Finance Services Limited - Become Debt Free - Bitscoinfx - Authpips Fx - Coastal City Savings - Capital Trust Investments - Fx Trade Gain - Crypto Global Trades - Forex Crypto Payout - Ex Investment - Blue Ray Investment Group - Desert Financial Bank - Englandbank.Top - Alliance Fx Limited - - Asset Builder - Blueberry Automated Market - Propnex Ltd - Piper Fx - SaxoFXCompany - Powerbitfxsignal - Pelagiabank - Fxminim - Vantagefx365 - Metafx Pay Trading - Touch Cash Fx - Chrimafx - Mondial Investments Limited - Eu Fx Bank - Fxt Traders - Index Fx - Luton Fx Trade - Fx Investent Miner - Fx Unlimited Trade / Unlimitedfxtrade - Lqd Fx - Standard Crypto Currency - Hfx SwiftCapita - ChandFxLtd - - Capitextfx - Cryptoboasting - Trades Fx Pips / Fxtradepips - Fxbinax Tradex - North Global Fx - fx cycle trader ltd - - Magic Loans / Magicloans.Uk - Ad Crypto Limited - Fx Morgan Capital - GlobaloddFxTrades - Vintage Crypto - Primaxfx Global Trade Ltd - Moonletoken - Afx Capital Excel - Crypto Mart Trade - Njw Car Sales - Greenfrank Group Ltd - Forexprofitsolutionsltd - Upgradedtradefx - Apextradefx24 - - Idealfxtrading - Fx Multitrades - Validus - Remitex Solutions Sp. z o.o. - NovaTech, Ltd - BitFinityFX - Tutor Inc. Academy - CoiniSwap - QuantumTrade Corp. / Quantum Global Trading - Dmcc - Nymexidn - SogoTradez - Humility Investment - / - Polo Digital Assets / Poloniex - TrustLedgersChain aka TrustLedgerChain - The Liberty International - Bitcore Exchange - Cryptospair - GrandCapital Cg - - Investor24 Financial Solutions GmbH - Welt Anlage o Welt Anlage Independent Investors Sa - Agile Finance Sa - - Asin Srl - Asin Network Argentina - Gmt Investments - Thinvest - BigPeak Finance - Prime Olympic - Metatrade - Capital Whale - Caplita - Ako Markets - Market Intelligence Team - RimpMarket - - - Financial Focus Ltd - - beka-market - Flow Investments - Flow Dao - Trading de Universal Scale Investment Ltd - Everest Capital Ltd - Global Success Management Inc. - Marketing Instruments, Sl - 瀚濤基金有限公司 - Pinnacle - Specialist Investment Funds - Raiden Global - Avondale - Infinity Funds - Platform Capital - Libra Fg - D Lend Invest - QuickGet - Eureka Mittel - Fintrax Funds - My prepaid Bank; - Tezos-Global - Coinbase Limited - FinanceOneLtd - Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited, - Icb Ireland Bank - Wca Private Ban - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The supervisory authorities of the United Kingdom (Financial Conduct Authority - FCA), Belgium (Financial Services and Markets Authority - FSMA), Poland (Polish Financial Supervision Authority - KNF), Ontario (Ontario Securities Commission - OSC), Switzerland (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority – FINMA), Luxembourg (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier - CSSF), Argentina (Comisión Nacional de Valoresa- CNV), the Netherlands (Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets - AFM), Spain (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores - CNMV), Hong Kong (Securities and Futures Commission - SFC), Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland) and France (Authorité des Marchés Financiers - AMF) report the companies and websites offering investment, financial and insurance services without the required authorisations. Reported by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - United Kingdom: Adrofx (; Fxhubs (; Forexuniontrades (; Fxlive Traders (; Graybitcrypto (; General Fxs Exchange (; Bunksfx (; Moon Shell Bank (; Ultra Fx Option / Ultrade Fx Options (; Atomic Coin Venture (; Buildreachy Ltd (; Future Bright Investment (; Fx Wealth (; Bunksfx (; Fptrades / fxpoptrades (, clone of a licensed company; Forexstackprofit (; Bv Bank (; Pro Max Finance (; Cryptos Fintech (; World Wide Lenders (; Trade Simple (; Realfxtradeotf (; Nitro Forex (; Sonance Online Bank Plc (; Growth Bank (; GoldVest Fx (; FxUnlocked (; Trust Cap Fx Ltd (; FxMetaTrade (; Forex4u (; Acetoro (, clone of a licensed company; Aoi Union Bank (; Delta Fx (; Goldfinance Fx (; Tsdl Finbank Uk Limited (; C-Tech Digital Crypto Currency (; Bing Forex Ltd (; Glob Fx Trading (; (clone of a previously registered company); Crypto Fortune Investment; Hubblebit (; Crypto Wallet (; CryptoKG (; Sparkle Finance - Direct Lender / Sparkle Finance Services Limited; Become Debt Free (; Bitscoinfx (; Authpips Fx (; Coastal City Savings (; Capital Trust Investments (; Fx Trade Gain (; Crypto Global Trades (; Forex Crypto Payout (; Ex Investment (; Blue Ray Investment Group (; Desert Financial Bank (; Englandbank.Top (; Alliance Fx Limited (; (; Asset Builder (; Blueberry Automated Market (; Propnex Ltd (; Piper Fx (; SaxoFXCompany (; Powerbitfxsignal (; Pelagiabank (; Fxminim (; Vantagefx365 (; Metafx Pay Trading (; Touch Cash Fx (; Chrimafx (; Mondial Investments Limited (; Eu Fx Bank (; Fxt Traders u(; Index Fx (; Luton Fx Trade (; Fx Investent Miner (; Fx Unlimited Trade / Unlimitedfxtrade (; Lqd Fx (; Standard Crypto Currency (; Hfx SwiftCapita (; ChandFxLtd (; (; Capitextfx (; Cryptoboasting (; Trades Fx Pips / Fxtradepips (; Fxbinax Tradex (; North Global Fx (; fx cycle trader ltd (; (; Magic Loans / Magicloans.Uk (; Ad Crypto Limited (; Fx Morgan Capital (; GlobaloddFxTrades (; Vintage Crypto (; Primaxfx Global Trade Ltd (; Moonletoken (; Afx Capital Excel (; Crypto Mart Trade (; Njw Car Sales (; Greenfrank Group Ltd (; Forexprofitsolutionsltd (; Upgradedtradefx (; Apextradefx24 (; (; Idealfxtrading (; Fx Multitrades ( Reported by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) – Belgium: The Belgian Supervisory Authority, FSMA, warns investors against "Validus", a platform located abroad that sells training in Belgium aimed at teaching people to trade complex financial instruments such as forex derivatives. Anyone who subscribes to such training has access to educational videos, webinars and live chat sessions with all kinds of information about how the forex market works. It explains what forex derivatives are, how exactly they can be traded, what kind of orders can be placed and what software can be downloaded for this purpose. The message conveyed is that forex trading offers opportunities as long as it has been studied thoroughly and you have a full understanding of how it works Apart from the fact that the FSMA has doubts about the quality of these training courses, a number of other problems arise. Firstly, the FSMA would like to point out that the distribution of derivatives traded on an electronic trading system and involving leverage (including some forex instruments) is prohibited in Belgium. Secondly, such educational materials are often distributed by way of a pyramid structure. In general, these are referred to as "MLM" (multi-level marketing) strategies, in which consumers are encouraged to bring in new members. In return, they receive a consideration in the form of a commission or discount on the price of the training. These MLM networks seem to be active on social media through countless (private) groups. It seems that these programmes are mainly aimed at young people. The message is that everyone can afford a luxurious lifestyle as long as they bring in a sufficient number of new members and make an adequate investment in the training offered. Offers of
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