Finantsinspektsioon Investor Alert
Traderactive (
Warning regarding the activities of an entity named Traderactive – CSSF.pdf (pdf, 63.67 kB)
Published on 28 July 2022
Warning regarding the activities of an entity named
The CSSF warns the public of the activities of an entity named “Traderactive” (website: which offers investment services pretending to be supervised, under the name
“International Markets Management”, by a so-called public institution called CFSS, which would supervise
professionals and products of the Luxembourg financial sector.
The CSSF informs the public that an entity named “Traderactive” or “International Markets Management” is
unknown to it, that it is not supervised by the CSSF and that it has not been granted any authorisation to
provide investment services or other financial services in or from Luxembourg.