The Financial Supervision Authority

Year 2002Regulated by Government

The Financial Supervision Authority, which was launched on 1 January 2002, joined the functions of Eesti Pank's Banking Supervision Authority and the Ministry of Finance's Insurance Supervision Authority and Securities Inspectorate. It is a financial supervision and crisis resolution authority with autonomous responsibilities and budget that works on behalf of the state of Estonia and is independent in its decision-making.

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  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2020-11-06
  • Reason for punishment FMR International OÜ is not authorised to provide investment services in Estonia
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Teade FMR International OÜ tegevuse kohta 06.11.2020 Finantsinspektsioon teavitab kliente ja investoreid, et äriühing FMR International OÜ (registrikood 14482103) ei oma investeerimisteenuste osutamiseks Eestis tegevusluba ja seega puudub FMR International OÜ-l õigus osutada Eestis investeerimisteenuseid. Nimetatud ettevõte pakub võimalust kaubelda veebilehe kaudu tuletisväärtpaberitega. Nimekiri ettevõtetest, kellel on Finantsinspektsiooni poolt antud tegevusluba või kes võivad Eestis piiriüleselt teenuseid osutada, on leitav Finantsinspektsiooni kodulehelt Information on FMR International OÜ 06.11.2020 Finantsinspektsioon (the Estonian Financial Supervisory Authority) would like to inform clients and investors that FMR International OÜ (registry code 14482103) does not hold an authorisation for the provision of investment services in Estonia and therefore FMR International OÜ is not authorised to provide investment services in Estonia. The company offers the possibility to trade in derivatives through the web page The list of companies having Finantsinspektsioon´s authorisations or who are allowed to provide cross-border services in Estonia can be found on Finantsinspektsioon’s web page
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