Comisión Nacional del Mercado de valores

Year 1998Regulated by Government

The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) is the body responsible for the supervision and inspection of Spanish securities markets and the activity of all those involved in them. The CNMV was created by Securities Market Law 24/1988, which represented a thorough reform of this segment of the Spanish financial system; and since then, its regime has been updated to adapt to the evolution of financial markets and to introduce new measures to protect investors.The aim of the CNMV is to ensure the transparency of Spanish securities markets and the correct formation of prices, as well as the protection of investors.

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Danger Unauthorized
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  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2018-04-23
  • Reason for punishment bali limited ltd winmore alliance www. POINT is not authorized to provide the investment services provided for in article 140 of the Securities Market Law and the auxiliary services provided for in letters a), b), d), f) and g) of article 141 of the same law.
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Public notice from the CNMV in accordance with the provisions of the second section of article 17 of the Securities Market Law (consolidated text approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of October 23), the National Securities Market Commission warns that: Bali Limited Ltd Winmore Alliance www. POINT is not authorized to provide the investment services provided for in Article 140 of the Securities Market Law and the ancillary services provided for in letters a), b), d), f) and g) of Article 141 of the same law, which include investment advice, in relation to the instruments contemplated in Article 2 of said law, including, for this purpose, foreign exchange transactions. For any queries, please call 900 535 015 or visit the CNMV website ( on April 23, 2018.
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