The Office of TradeDirect365 in Australia is Bogus

Danger Australia

Macquarie Street, Sydney, South Australia, Australia

The Office of TradeDirect365 in Australia is Bogus
Danger Australia

Inspection Reason

The investors have been requesting the inspection team to expose more black platforms in Australia. This time, the inspection team came to the potential office of TradeDirect365 in Australia to reveal the truth.


According to regulatory information, TradeDirect365 should be located on Macquarie House L 13, 167 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000. The inspection team paid a site visit to the office.


The inspection team successfully found the new office building guided by regulatory information.

Featured Photo


The inspection team entered the building and found a signpost, according to which office-sharing company REGUS is located on level 13 but not TradeDirect365. The team took the elevator to the 13th floor but found it empty.


The inspection team did not find the office of TradeDirect365 in Australia. Its MM License (No. 422661) issued by ASIC is suspected to be bogus. It currently operates without any valid regulation. 

Broker Information

Suspicious Clone


5-10 years |Suspicious Regulatory License |High potential risk |
  • Company Name:
    Trade Nation Australia Pty Ltd
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
Suspicious Clone


5-10 years | Suspicious Regulatory License | High potential risk |
  • Company Name: Trade Nation Australia Pty Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: TradeDirect365
  • Country/region of Registry: Australia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:+61283104713

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