Failure to Find MayfairTopFX’s office in Cyprus

Danger Cyprus

145 Griva Digeni, Olziit, Limassol District, Cyprus

Failure to Find MayfairTopFX’s office in Cyprus
Danger Cyprus

Inspection Reason

Recently, many investors called the inspection team, expressing their hope for the inspection team exposing more Cypriot brokers, whose real addresses are inconsistent with ones in their regulatory information. Given that, the investigators went to  MayfairTopFX’s office in Cyprus for a closer look.

Company Building

MayfairTopFX’s office address in the regulatory information is 19 Stratigou Timagia, 3rd Floor, 3107 Limassol. The investigators carried out a field trip to this licensed broker.                                                                                                                                                                                            1.png                                               

They found the office building in Limassol, Cyprus under the guidance of the regulatory information.

Featured Photos


In order to complete the survey task quickly, the survey staff took the elevator to the third floor as soon as they entered the building. In the corridor were many mailboxes, yet no company logos on them.


The staff walked around the corridor and found that only spotware was here. In order to confirm whether MayfairTopFX had an office on this floor, they asked spotware staff but were told that they hadn’t heard of MayfairTopFX.


Therefore, the staff planned to go downstairs to ask security guards. When going downstairs, they saw two fire doors, on which a security video device was installed.

Inspection Conclusion

The investigators, based on the result of the field trip, confirmed that MayfairTopFX’s real address failed to match with the one in its regulatory information. Its MM license (regulatory No.: 138/11) issued by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and EEA license (regulatory number: 579491) by Financial Conduct Authority are verified to be clones. Besides,its ACPR-UNFX license (regulatory number: 74095) by BANQUE DE FRANCE is a suspicious clone. 

Broker Information

Clone Firm


5-10 years |Suspicious Regulatory License |Suspicious Scope of Business |Clone Firm Cyprus |High potential risk |
  • Company Name:
    Mayfairf TopFX Ltd
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number:
Clone Firm


5-10 years | Suspicious Regulatory License | Suspicious Scope of Business | Clone Firm Cyprus | High potential risk |
  • Company Name: Mayfairf TopFX Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: MayfairTopFX
  • Country/region of Registry: Cyprus
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:--

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