abstrak:Italy’s regulator, CONSOB, recently warned against five fraudulent websites. These websites illegally offer financial services to investors. Here is a list of fake websites.
Italys regulator, CONSOB, recently warned against five fraudulent websites. These websites illegally offer financial services to investors. Here is a list of fake websites.
The authority said in its press release that Consob draws the attention of savers to the importance of using the utmost diligence to make investment choices in full awareness, and adopting common sense behaviors, which are essential to safeguard one's savings: among these, the prior verification, for sites that offer financial services, that the operator through which one invests is authorized and, for offers of financial products, that the prospectus has been published.
The Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) is the public authority responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets.
Its activity is aimed at the protection of the investing public. CONSOB is the competent authority for ensuring
transparency and correct behavior by financial market participants;
disclosure of complete and accurate information to the investing public by listed companies;
accuracy of the facts represented in the prospectuses related to offerings of transferable securities to the investing public;
compliance with regulations by auditors entered in the Special Register.
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