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Amazing customer service but I don't like the fact every time I have withdraw my money I have to go through customer service department. This is third Time in a row I have had this situation and the app keeps bugging out but the team is amazing.
Amazing customer service but I don't like the fact every time I have withdraw my money I have to go through customer service department. This is third Time in a row I have had this situation and the app keeps bugging out but the team is amazing.
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2024-07-16 18:54
There is an obvious fraud on Msquare, it has been more than 1 month now, but the withdrawal has not been paid, I asked Msquare to pay a total amount of 45,541.65 USDT (including 41,401.55 USDT for withdrawals and 4,140.10 USDT for "service fees")
There is an obvious fraud on Msquare, it has been more than 1 month now, but the withdrawal has not been paid, I asked Msquare to pay a total amount of 45,541.65 USDT (including 41,401.55 USDT for withdrawals and 4,140.10 USDT for "service fees")
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2024-09-17 17:23
无法出金 交易账户 7213540 进入这平台入金3100usdt ,交易了2单盈利1500usdt 平台发邮件说恶意操纵账户冻结需要验资入金45% 需要入金2036 usdt 。我入了金验资完成需要出金填写出金地址账户又被冻结说我涉嫌洗钱又要验资40% 入金金额3097usdt 。再一次入金验资,验资通过我就出金账户金额 10939usdt 平台发邮件我需要交税28% 还要我继续入金金额3062usdt 要不然不能出金。这时候我发现自己被骗了平台根本就没想过让我出金
无法出金 交易账户 7213540 进入这平台入金3100usdt ,交易了2单盈利1500usdt 平台发邮件说恶意操纵账户冻结需要验资入金45% 需要入金2036 usdt 。我入了金验资完成需要出金填写出金地址账户又被冻结说我涉嫌洗钱又要验资40% 入金金额3097usdt 。再一次入金验资,验资通过我就出金账户金额 10939usdt 平台发邮件我需要交税28% 还要我继续入金金额3062usdt 要不然不能出金。这时候我发现自己被骗了平台根本就没想过让我出金
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2024-09-13 04:19
1.On August 14, 2024, after I cleared my account, Msquare Group sent me a payment screenshot, informing me that they had made a payment to me. However, the fact is that 24 days have passed, and I still have not received the withdrawal amount. 2.After carefully examining the payment screenshot provided by Msquare Group, I identified three doubts.(1).Time issue: I applied for the withdrawal on August 14, and Msquare Group claimed to have made the payment that day, but the time shown on the screenshot is August 16.(2).Numerical expression issue: The withdrawal amount is 41401.55 USDT, and the screenshot displayed the same amount as 41401.55 USDT, but the platform typically shows the amount as “41,401.55 USDT” .(3)TXID value issue: Checking the TXID value on the website the receiver's address shown does not match the address I provided, and the amount also does not match. 3.I am certain that Msquare Group did not make a payment to me. NOW,I NEED HELP
1.On August 14, 2024, after I cleared my account, Msquare Group sent me a payment screenshot, informing me that they had made a payment to me. However, the fact is that 24 days have passed, and I still have not received the withdrawal amount. 2.After carefully examining the payment screenshot provided by Msquare Group, I identified three doubts.(1).Time issue: I applied for the withdrawal on August 14, and Msquare Group claimed to have made the payment that day, but the time shown on the screenshot is August 16.(2).Numerical expression issue: The withdrawal amount is 41401.55 USDT, and the screenshot displayed the same amount as 41401.55 USDT, but the platform typically shows the amount as “41,401.55 USDT” .(3)TXID value issue: Checking the TXID value on the website the receiver's address shown does not match the address I provided, and the amount also does not match. 3.I am certain that Msquare Group did not make a payment to me. NOW,I NEED HELP
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2024-09-08 22:27
I joined the MSquare group recently and I have deposited 4 times with only 100USD withdrawan so far. I withdraw 1000USD after my third deposit and I was notified by customer service that my withdrawal is being reviewed. Later I am asked to deposit 30% of the total funds to complete one time verification as my account is identified as robot account after which I will have normal access to withdrawals. I deposited and verified as advised. After few days I again initiated withdrawal of 2000USD and same thing happened. I was again asked to deposit the funds and complete verification to have normal withdrawals. The group said as per audit results my account is stolen and not operated properly. I requested the online CS team to send me the audit reports who has stolen my account but they didn’t sent me. I even sent mails to the management of the company to get the issues sort out but it never happened. I didn’t get the logic why I need to verify and deposit the funds again and again
I joined the MSquare group recently and I have deposited 4 times with only 100USD withdrawan so far. I withdraw 1000USD after my third deposit and I was notified by customer service that my withdrawal is being reviewed. Later I am asked to deposit 30% of the total funds to complete one time verification as my account is identified as robot account after which I will have normal access to withdrawals. I deposited and verified as advised. After few days I again initiated withdrawal of 2000USD and same thing happened. I was again asked to deposit the funds and complete verification to have normal withdrawals. The group said as per audit results my account is stolen and not operated properly. I requested the online CS team to send me the audit reports who has stolen my account but they didn’t sent me. I even sent mails to the management of the company to get the issues sort out but it never happened. I didn’t get the logic why I need to verify and deposit the funds again and again
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2024-09-08 13:03
Msquare Group外汇平台工作人员通过Tiktok以做副业的名义骗得潜在投资人的信任,手把手教人学会外汇平台的操作方法,进而一步步让投资人向平台注入资金,然后资金注入容易,却出不来,我就遇到了出金的问题:在我清空账户后,Msquare Group发了一个所谓的“付款单”截图,告知已经向我付款,但是事实是目前已经过了23天,我依然没有收到我出金的款项。       经过我仔细研究 Msquare Group客服发给我的付款截图,我发现了3个疑点,第一个是时间,我是8月14日出金,Msquare Group也是当天给我“付款”,但是截图上面显示的时间是8月16日,这是疑点一;第二个是数字表达方式,我出金金额41401.55美金,平台给我的截图上也是显示41401.55 USDT,但我们知道平台上会以41,401.55 USDT方式显示(中间会有一个逗号),这是疑点二;第三个也是最重要的疑点是TXID值,我通过https://www.oklink.com/zh-hans/trx/tx/网站,输入Msquare Group客服给我的截图上的TXID值查询显示,接收方地址不是我提供的地址,金额也不是我出金的金额,我们知道一个TXID值对应一笔交易。       综上所述,我十分肯定,Msquare Group在我完成出金后,其PS了一个“付款单”并截图发给我,但事实是Msquare Group根本没有对我付款,在此我曝光有关事实,并希望得到帮助,挽回我的损失,谢谢。(目前Msquare Group客服屏蔽我的联系方式,充分证明了其做贼心虚的心理)
Msquare Group外汇平台工作人员通过Tiktok以做副业的名义骗得潜在投资人的信任,手把手教人学会外汇平台的操作方法,进而一步步让投资人向平台注入资金,然后资金注入容易,却出不来,我就遇到了出金的问题:在我清空账户后,Msquare Group发了一个所谓的“付款单”截图,告知已经向我付款,但是事实是目前已经过了23天,我依然没有收到我出金的款项。       经过我仔细研究 Msquare Group客服发给我的付款截图,我发现了3个疑点,第一个是时间,我是8月14日出金,Msquare Group也是当天给我“付款”,但是截图上面显示的时间是8月16日,这是疑点一;第二个是数字表达方式,我出金金额41401.55美金,平台给我的截图上也是显示41401.55 USDT,但我们知道平台上会以41,401.55 USDT方式显示(中间会有一个逗号),这是疑点二;第三个也是最重要的疑点是TXID值,我通过https://www.oklink.com/zh-hans/trx/tx/网站,输入Msquare Group客服给我的截图上的TXID值查询显示,接收方地址不是我提供的地址,金额也不是我出金的金额,我们知道一个TXID值对应一笔交易。       综上所述,我十分肯定,Msquare Group在我完成出金后,其PS了一个“付款单”并截图发给我,但事实是Msquare Group根本没有对我付款,在此我曝光有关事实,并希望得到帮助,挽回我的损失,谢谢。(目前Msquare Group客服屏蔽我的联系方式,充分证明了其做贼心虚的心理)
Traduire en français
2024-09-07 15:18
出金后不给客户付款,还伪造”付款单“。三个明显疑点,第一个是时间,我是8月14日出金,Msquare Group也是当天给我“付款”,但是截图上面显示的时间是8月16日,这是疑点一;第二个是数字表达方式,我出金金额41401.55美金,平台给我的截图上也是显示41401.55 USDT,但我们知道平台上会以41,401.55 USDT方式显示(中间会有一个逗号),这是疑点二;第三个也是最重要的疑点是TXID值,我通过https://www.oklink.com/zh-hans/trx/tx/网站,输入Msquare Group客服给我的截图上的TXID值查询显示,接收方地址不是我提供的地址,金额也不是我出金的金额,我们知道一个TXID值对应一笔交易。截止目前已第19天,Msquare Group还未对我付款。
出金后不给客户付款,还伪造”付款单“。三个明显疑点,第一个是时间,我是8月14日出金,Msquare Group也是当天给我“付款”,但是截图上面显示的时间是8月16日,这是疑点一;第二个是数字表达方式,我出金金额41401.55美金,平台给我的截图上也是显示41401.55 USDT,但我们知道平台上会以41,401.55 USDT方式显示(中间会有一个逗号),这是疑点二;第三个也是最重要的疑点是TXID值,我通过https://www.oklink.com/zh-hans/trx/tx/网站,输入Msquare Group客服给我的截图上的TXID值查询显示,接收方地址不是我提供的地址,金额也不是我出金的金额,我们知道一个TXID值对应一笔交易。截止目前已第19天,Msquare Group还未对我付款。
Traduire en français
2024-09-03 23:22
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