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Banex Capital LTD

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BANEX CAPITAL · Présentation de l'entreprise
BANEX CAPITAL Résumé de l'examen
Pays/Région d'enregistrementSainte-Lucie
RéglementationNon réglementé
Instruments de marchéPétrole, Or, Devises, CFD
Compte de démonstration
Effet de levierJusqu'à 1:300
SpreadÀ partir de 40 pips (compte standard)
Plateforme de tradingMT5, la plateforme native de BANEX CAPITAL LTD
Dépôt minimum/
Assistance clientèleTél : +971 522222076, +971 45689219
WhatsApp : 971 522222076
Email :
Adresse : - 2204 Ontario Tower Business Bay Dubai U.A.E.
Régions restreintesÉtats-Unis, Cuba, Irak, Myanmar, Corée du Nord, Soudan

BANEX CAPITAL a été enregistré à Sainte-Lucie en 2022 et n'est pas réglementé. Il propose des transactions sur le pétrole, l'or, les devises et les CFD avec un effet de levier allant jusqu'à 1:300 et un spread à partir de 40 pips sur le compte standard via la plateforme MT5.

Page d'accueil de BANEX CAPITAL

Avantages et inconvénients

Avantages Inconvénients
Comptes de démonstrationPas de réglementation
Multiples types de compteMultiples canaux de communication
Pas de commissionsSpreads élevés
Prise en charge de MT5Dépôt minimum non clair
Options de paiement populairesRestrictions régionales

Est-ce que BANEX CAPITAL est légitime ?

Pas de licence

Non, BANEX CAPITAL n'est pas réglementé. Les traders doivent bien réfléchir aux risques qu'il présente avant de choisir de trader avec lui.

Informations sur le domaine

Que puis-je trader sur BANEX CAPITAL ?

Instruments négociables Pris en charge

Type de compte

Type de compteDépôt minimum
Comparaison des comptes

Effet de levier

BANEX CAPITAL propose un effet de levier allant jusqu'à 1:300 pour tous les types de compte, ce qui peut potentiellement entraîner des rendements élevés, mais cela comporte également des risques élevés.


Type de compteSpread
StandardÀ partir de 40 pips
ECNÀ partir de 30 pips
PROÀ partir de 20 pips

BANEX CAPITAL n'impose aucune commission.

Plateforme de trading

Plateforme de tradingPris en charge Appareils disponibles Convient pour
Plateforme native BANEX CAPITAL LTDWeb, Mobile/
MT5/Traders expérimentés
Application mobile

Dépôt et retrait

BANEX CAPITAL déclare accepter les virements bancaires, les cartes de crédit/débit, PayPal, Neteller, Skrill et d'autres méthodes disponibles selon votre pays de résidence.

Critiques d'utilisateurs


Commentaire de l'utilisateur



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I am filing a legal case against Banex Capital in Dubai after a fraudulent experience. I invested 20,000 USDT across four accounts (5,000 USDT each) under their bonus offer. We had a rough draft of terms and conditions on WhatsApp, which clearly stated that the deposited amount would be withdrawable. Banex Capital offered a bonus hedging deal. I successfully withdrew funds from 3 accounts by hedging, but midway through the process, when my deposited amount was still with Banex Capital, they changed the terms. They imposed a limit on the number of withdrawals: 2 withdrawals each on 2 accounts and 1 withdrawal each on the other 2 accounts. The last account, which still had one withdrawal remaining, became an issue. Although they processed one final withdrawal, they then seized my account and withheld my 5,000 USDT deposit. I had 4 accounts of 5,000 USDT each, with a total of 6 withdrawal attempts allowed—2 attempts on 2 accounts and 1 attempt each on the other 2 accounts.
I am filing a legal case against Banex Capital in Dubai after a fraudulent experience. I invested 20,000 USDT across four accounts (5,000 USDT each) under their bonus offer. We had a rough draft of terms and conditions on WhatsApp, which clearly stated that the deposited amount would be withdrawable. Banex Capital offered a bonus hedging deal. I successfully withdrew funds from 3 accounts by hedging, but midway through the process, when my deposited amount was still with Banex Capital, they changed the terms. They imposed a limit on the number of withdrawals: 2 withdrawals each on 2 accounts and 1 withdrawal each on the other 2 accounts. The last account, which still had one withdrawal remaining, became an issue. Although they processed one final withdrawal, they then seized my account and withheld my 5,000 USDT deposit. I had 4 accounts of 5,000 USDT each, with a total of 6 withdrawal attempts allowed—2 attempts on 2 accounts and 1 attempt each on the other 2 accounts.
Traduire en français
2024-08-23 18:49
plus d'un an
My friends, I gotta say, BANEX CAPITAL is not the place to be. Their spreads are way too high, making it not an ideal platform to trade on. Plus, they don't even offer a demo account to test the trading environment. Despite their customer service team trying to convince me to trade with them, I decided to pass. Better safe than sorry, you know?
My friends, I gotta say, BANEX CAPITAL is not the place to be. Their spreads are way too high, making it not an ideal platform to trade on. Plus, they don't even offer a demo account to test the trading environment. Despite their customer service team trying to convince me to trade with them, I decided to pass. Better safe than sorry, you know?
Traduire en français
2023-03-28 09:41