Extrait:Smart Contract is an unregulated brokerage company registered in the United Kingdom. Due to the closure of the official website of this broker, traders cannot obtain more security information.
Note: Smart Contract's official website: https://www.smartcontractslimited.com/ is currently inaccessible normally.
Smart Contract is an unregulated brokerage company registered in the United Kingdom. Due to the closure of the official website of this broker, traders cannot obtain more security information.
After a Whois query, we found that this company's domain name is for sale, which shows that this company has not registered it securely.
Smart Contract's official website is currently inaccessible, raising concerns about its reliability and accessibility.
Since Smart Contract does not explain more transaction information, especially regarding fees and services, this will bring huge risks and reduce transaction security.
The Smart Contract is not regulated by other institutions, which increases the possibility of fraud.
According to a report on WikiFX, users encountered significant difficulties with fund withdrawals and scams. The issue remained unresolved despite the request being pending for a long time.
On WikiFX, “Exposure” is posted as a word of mouth received from users.
Traders must review information and assess risks before trading on unregulated platforms. Please consult our platform for related details. Report fraudulent brokers in our Exposure section and our team will work to resolve any issues you encounter.
As of now, there was only one piece of Smart Contract exposure in total.
Exposure. Cannot withdraw/scam
Classification | Unable to Withdraw/scam |
Date | 2021 |
Post Country | Malaysia/Bangladesh |
The users said that they were unable to withdraw and encountered scams, and it was still pending after a long time. You may visit: https://www.wikifx.com/en/comments/detail/202108306532854861.html
Smart Contract Since the official website cannot be opened, traders cannot get more information about security services. In addition, the unregulated status and unregistered domain name indicate that this brokers trading risks are high. Traders can learn more about other brokers through WikiFX. Information improves transaction security.
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