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New Finance LLC

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  • Les informations actuelles montrent que ce courtier n'a pas de logiciel de trading. Fait attention!

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NEWFX · Présentation de l'entreprise

Informations générales

NEWFX est prétendument un courtier forex mondial stp / ecn basé à dominic qui fournit à ses clients la plate-forme de trading meattrader4 standard de l'industrie, un effet de levier jusqu'à 1: 100, des spreads fixes ou flottants et aucune commission sur plus de 250 instruments financiers négociables, ainsi qu'un choix de sept types de comptes en direct différents.

Instruments de marché

NEWFX annonce qu'il propose plus de 250 instruments de trading dans cinq classes d'actifs sur les marchés financiers, y compris les cfd sur le forex, les indices, les matières premières, les actions et les crypto-monnaies.

Types de compte

Il existe sept comptes de trading en direct proposés par NEWFX, à savoir Basic, Discovery, Silver, Gold, Premium, VIP et VIP+. L'ouverture d'un compte de base nécessite le montant de dépôt initial minimum de 200 $, tandis que les six autres types de comptes avec des exigences de capital initial beaucoup plus élevées de 2 000 $, 5 000 $, 10 000 $, 15 000 $, 30 000 $ et 50 000 $ respectivement.

Effet de levier

le ratio de levier maximal fourni par NEWFX est jusqu'à 1:100. gardez à l'esprit que l'effet de levier peut amplifier les gains ainsi que les pertes, il n'est pas conseillé aux traders inexpérimentés d'utiliser un effet de levier trop élevé.

Écarts et commissions

différents commerçants peuvent profiter de spreads assez différents. De plus, les spreads sont influencés par les classes d'actifs que détiennent les traders. NEWFX révèle que le spread par défaut pour le forex est de 1:50, pour les matières premières ou l'indice est de 4%, pour les actions est de 10%, pour la crypto-monnaie est de 100%. cependant, les spreads que les débutants ou les professionnels peuvent expérimenter sont différents. en particulier, le spread pour le forex, les matières premières, les indices, les actions et la crypto-monnaie est respectivement de 1:100, 2%, 2%, 5% et 50% sur les débutants, tandis que les cortèges peuvent profiter de 1:200, 1%, 1%, 2,5 % et 20 % séparément. tous ne facturant aucune commission.

Plateforme de trading disponible

en ce qui concerne les plateformes de trading disponibles, NEWFX donne aux commerçants web trader, mobile trader et metatrader4. mt4 est la plateforme de trading la plus connue et la plus utilisée au monde, offrant 9 délais différents, des indicateurs techniques, un trading en un clic, des eas automatisés et plus encore. tandis qu'avec le commerçant mobile, le commerce peut être effectué de n'importe où et à tout moment via les bons terminaux mobiles, y compris Android et iOS.


Dépôt et retrait

NEWFX accepte les dépôts via des cartes de crédit telles que visa et mastercard, virements bancaires et crypto-monnaie de bitcoin. le dépôt minimum requis pour les cartes de crédit est de 200 €, tandis que le montant maximum du dépôt par carte de crédit est de 50 000 € pour chaque mois civil. et le montant maximum par dépôt ou transaction est de 5 000 $/€. le courtier dit qu'il ne facture aucun frais de retrait via les cartes de crédit, cependant, des frais minimes sont appliqués à toutes les demandes de virement bancaire. en ce qui concerne le délai de traitement des demandes de dépôt et de retrait, les dépôts par cartes de crédit peuvent être traités en temps réel ou en un jour ouvrable ; les retraits avec des cartes de crédit peuvent prendre jusqu'à un cycle de facturation pour le crédit des fonds sur la carte de crédit ; les dépôts ou les retraits par virement bancaire nécessitent généralement 1 à 2 jours (national) et 3 à 5 jours ouvrables (international).


NEWFX facturera des frais de roulement. pour être plus précis, 0,015 % de l'exposition au jour le jour pour les devises, les matières premières, les indices, les actions et les ETF, tandis que 0,05 % pour la crypto-monnaie, que ce soit sur les clients de détail ou sur les clients professionnels.

Service client

Le support client de NEWFX est joignable par téléphone : +44 77 2387 6639, e-mail :, ou chat en direct. En outre, vous pouvez également suivre ce courtier sur certaines plateformes de médias sociaux comme Facebook, Twitter et YouTube. Bureau au Royaume-Uni : 33 Cavendish Square, Marylebone, Londres W1G 0PW, Royaume-Uni ; Bureau des Émirats arabes unis : Trade CentreTrade Centre 2 – Dubaï – Émirats arabes unis ; Bureau américain : 1000 NW Street, Mid-Town Brandy Wine, Ste 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801 Delaware, États-Unis.

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plus d'un an NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
Traduire en français
2024-01-18 16:03
plus d'un an NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
Traduire en français
2023-09-19 21:30