Hong Kong

2021-01-20 10:25

A l'instar de l'industrieForex QUIZ (2)
Everybody QUIZ TIME! The right answer will be released on WikiFX.in facebook page each Friday morning! Those who answer correctly 5 times in a row will be given a gift worth up to 200 Rs! Question: Among five gold brokers "XM, FXCM, FXTM, Gold Mandarin, Tickmill", Gold Mandarin has no valid regulatory. ​Is it true or false?Leave your answer below! Tips: You can always use WikiFX App to search the truth. GO!
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Forex QUIZ (2)
Hong Kong | 2021-01-20 10:25
Everybody QUIZ TIME! The right answer will be released on WikiFX.in facebook page each Friday morning! Those who answer correctly 5 times in a row will be given a gift worth up to 200 Rs! Question: Among five gold brokers "XM, FXCM, FXTM, Gold Mandarin, Tickmill", Gold Mandarin has no valid regulatory. ​Is it true or false?Leave your answer below! Tips: You can always use WikiFX App to search the truth. GO!
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