Hong Kong

2025-02-25 12:22

A l'instar de l'industrie⁣The Fed’s Rate Cut and Its Dollar Effects
A rate cut by the Federal Reserve often signals a weaker dollar. With lower returns on U.S. investments, investors tend to move their capital elsewhere, which reduces demand for the dollar. This shift can trigger higher import prices and inflation. However, U.S. exports become cheaper and more competitive in the global market.Participate in the WikiFX Community Creator Growth Camp activity, choose a topic, share your insights, and win great rewards!
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⁣The Fed’s Rate Cut and Its Dollar Effects
Hong Kong | 2025-02-25 12:22
A rate cut by the Federal Reserve often signals a weaker dollar. With lower returns on U.S. investments, investors tend to move their capital elsewhere, which reduces demand for the dollar. This shift can trigger higher import prices and inflation. However, U.S. exports become cheaper and more competitive in the global market.Participate in the WikiFX Community Creator Growth Camp activity, choose a topic, share your insights, and win great rewards!
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