हाँग काँग
2020-07-16 12:04
फ़ोन पर भेजें
EATrading psychology check-in 4
Profit gap or implementation gap - I have much less of a profit gap (the difference between what my system gives me and what i actually got) than last week.
I look forward to hearing about your trading psychology insights if you would like to post them. I think self awareness is one of the keys to this trading psychology stuff and this thread might help. Thanks! :)
Leah Ludenyi
फोरम केटेगरी
भर्ती करना
Trading psychology check-in 4
हाँग काँग | 2020-07-16 12:04
Profit gap or implementation gap - I have much less of a profit gap (the difference between what my system gives me and what i actually got) than last week.
I look forward to hearing about your trading psychology insights if you would like to post them. I think self awareness is one of the keys to this trading psychology stuff and this thread might help. Thanks! :)