हाँग काँग
2024-12-20 17:38
इंडस्ट्रीForex Price Trend Prediction
💐Come be a Christmas Price Trend Winner!
🔖Event Rules:
Post in the [Posts] section with the tag #CurrencyPairs: Choose a currency pair from the official list that interests you and include it in your post title with the hashtag #CurrencyPairs.
#Currency Pairs: EUR/USD
To thank all participants in each session of the event, winners will share a total cash pool of 1,000u. The specific
😍reward rules are as follows:
First Prize: Predict correctly 4 times to receive 8u
Second Prize: Predict correctly 3 times to receive 5u
Third Prize: Predict correctly 2 times to receive 3u
🌸Participation Prize: Users who participate with 5 or more predictions during the event period will receive 3u. Each user can only receive this participation prize once throughout the total event duration.
Double Rewards During Christmas: From December 20 to December 27, users who participate in prediction posts and correctly predict more than 4 times will receive 20u.
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गर्म सामग्री
विदेशी मुद्रा कहानी Forex story
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User Survey Questionnaire
User Survey Questionnaire
User Survey Questionnaire
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Forex Price Trend Prediction
💐Come be a Christmas Price Trend Winner!
🔖Event Rules:
Post in the [Posts] section with the tag #CurrencyPairs: Choose a currency pair from the official list that interests you and include it in your post title with the hashtag #CurrencyPairs.
#Currency Pairs: EUR/USD
To thank all participants in each session of the event, winners will share a total cash pool of 1,000u. The specific
😍reward rules are as follows:
First Prize: Predict correctly 4 times to receive 8u
Second Prize: Predict correctly 3 times to receive 5u
Third Prize: Predict correctly 2 times to receive 3u
🌸Participation Prize: Users who participate with 5 or more predictions during the event period will receive 3u. Each user can only receive this participation prize once throughout the total event duration.
Double Rewards During Christmas: From December 20 to December 27, users who participate in prediction posts and correctly predict more than 4 times will receive 20u.
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अभी तक कोई टिप्पणी नहीं है। पहले एक बनाओ।