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Man, EuropeFX is a real joke. They asked me to open an account with $1000 right off the bat, like they're some sort of hungry lion waiting to pounce on my wallet. And when I asked about a demo account to test the waters, they said I could only do real trades.When I actually started trading, I couldn't believe how big the spreads were. There was no way I could make any money with spreads that high. And when I asked their customer service team for help, they were no help at all.
Man, EuropeFX is a real joke. They asked me to open an account with $1000 right off the bat, like they're some sort of hungry lion waiting to pounce on my wallet. And when I asked about a demo account to test the waters, they said I could only do real trades.When I actually started trading, I couldn't believe how big the spreads were. There was no way I could make any money with spreads that high. And when I asked their customer service team for help, they were no help at all.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-04-23 15:26
Lebih dari satu tahun
At first, I thought EuropeFX was great. Trading on their platform was super smooth, like butter. No slippage, no lag, it was amazing. But that was only at the beginning. After a while, the spreads started getting wider and wider. Suddenly, some of the major indices and currency pairs had spreads of hundreds of pips. And the worst part? The customer service started getting more and more unhelpful. They wouldn't address my account issues, and my stop-loss orders were just a joke.
At first, I thought EuropeFX was great. Trading on their platform was super smooth, like butter. No slippage, no lag, it was amazing. But that was only at the beginning. After a while, the spreads started getting wider and wider. Suddenly, some of the major indices and currency pairs had spreads of hundreds of pips. And the worst part? The customer service started getting more and more unhelpful. They wouldn't address my account issues, and my stop-loss orders were just a joke.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-04-23 15:13
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