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Been sailing through the trading seas with Ascuex and thought I'd spill the beans. The range of tradable goodies is quite diverse - everything from forex to crypto. So there’s plenty for you to pick and choose. Their MT5 platform delivers a smooth trading experience. What's more? The entry doors swing wide open with zero minimum deposit for a Zero account. But watch out for the leverage, up to 1:1000 - can stir quite a storm if not navigated with care. Plus, while the customer support has you covered, do take note, the educational resources leave much to be desired. So, better have your ship well-equipped!
Been sailing through the trading seas with Ascuex and thought I'd spill the beans. The range of tradable goodies is quite diverse - everything from forex to crypto. So there’s plenty for you to pick and choose. Their MT5 platform delivers a smooth trading experience. What's more? The entry doors swing wide open with zero minimum deposit for a Zero account. But watch out for the leverage, up to 1:1000 - can stir quite a storm if not navigated with care. Plus, while the customer support has you covered, do take note, the educational resources leave much to be desired. So, better have your ship well-equipped!
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-12-01 10:54
Lebih dari satu tahun
Hey there, trading buddies! Spent some time playing the finance game with Ascuex. They're based in sunny Saint Lucia but looks like the regulation is a no-show so tread a bit diligently. Now, their deposit is interesting, it starts as low as zero for Zero account! However, it shoots up to a whopping $5,000 for the Premium account. So that's quite a range! I must say, their leverage of up to 1:1000 spells some serious thrill. But remember, with great power, comes great responsibility, so handle with care. Their trading platform is MT5, and I’ve enjoyed the ride.
Hey there, trading buddies! Spent some time playing the finance game with Ascuex. They're based in sunny Saint Lucia but looks like the regulation is a no-show so tread a bit diligently. Now, their deposit is interesting, it starts as low as zero for Zero account! However, it shoots up to a whopping $5,000 for the Premium account. So that's quite a range! I must say, their leverage of up to 1:1000 spells some serious thrill. But remember, with great power, comes great responsibility, so handle with care. Their trading platform is MT5, and I’ve enjoyed the ride.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-11-30 19:11
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