


Balasan baru

Lebih dari satu tahun
MOOD is good and reliable. However, the features of demo accounts need to request support from support agents every times. It wastes time and man- hours. In deed, if MOOD allows investors to play around with features including balance, reset balance, reset leverage, and close accounts, it will be great as traders won't waste time and MOOD can use manhours more efficiently and productive.
MOOD is good and reliable. However, the features of demo accounts need to request support from support agents every times. It wastes time and man- hours. In deed, if MOOD allows investors to play around with features including balance, reset balance, reset leverage, and close accounts, it will be great as traders won't waste time and MOOD can use manhours more efficiently and productive.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-07-16 18:49
Lebih dari satu tahun
Worst customer service in the world of CFD trading. My account was unaccessible for 4/5 hours yesterday which has lead to my positions & account to blow up as i couldn't access them to close out. I have spent the past 30 hours trying to get in touch with their customer & service and I have heard nothing back. As soon as i get my money back I will be withdrawing and never using this brokerage ever again.
Worst customer service in the world of CFD trading. My account was unaccessible for 4/5 hours yesterday which has lead to my positions & account to blow up as i couldn't access them to close out. I have spent the past 30 hours trying to get in touch with their customer & service and I have heard nothing back. As soon as i get my money back I will be withdrawing and never using this brokerage ever again.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-04-17 12:08
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